Man pages for woobe/bib
Blend It Bayes! Data Mining Toolbox

activate_coreActivate multiple CPU cores for parallel computing.
auto_loadLoad package and automatically install it if it has not been...
deactivate_coreDe-activate multiple CPU cores when they are not needed...
delWrapper function to delete files or directories
gen_rand_xyGenerate random dummy x and y for demo purposes
get_modeGet the mode of a numeric or character matrix
install_key_pkgInstall some of the key R packages for data mining.
normaliseNormalise values
nseCalculate Nash-Sutcliffe Efficiency (y_sim can have multiple...
select_featureSelect best features in x based on known y
session_infosessionInfo() with consistent naming convention
slice_multiData slicing for multivariate data (x1, x2, x3 ..., y)
slice_univData slicing for univariate data (y)
start_timerStart a timer.
stop_timerStop the timer and return the time difference in seconds. with consistent naming convention
trimTrimming dataset
woobe/bib documentation built on May 4, 2019, 9:47 a.m.