dataIPMpackHypericumCov.csv: Hypericum Perennial Dataset with covariates

dataIPMpackHypericumCovR Documentation

Hypericum Perennial Dataset with covariates


Demographic data of Hypericum cumulicola in "Florida rosemary scrub at" Archbold Biological Station (FL, USA). Life cycle, experimental design and data are described in Quintana-Ascencio & Menges (2003). Data contains a subset of individuals from population "bald 1" and annual period "1994-1999". Full dataset can be obtained upon request to the authors (




The format is: chr "dataIPMpackHypericumCov"


data-frame with headings:

- id: unique plant id (this file contains only a subset of all individuals)

- bald: population (this subset contains only one population)

- year: transition from t to t+1 (this subset contains only data for 1994-1999)

- fireYear: year when the bald was last burned

- TSLF: time since last fire

- size: length of longest stem in individual (cm) in time t

- ontogeny: recruits vs established individuals in time t (1 = individual was recruited in time t, 0 = already established individual prior to time t, NA = individual not yet recruited in time t)

- fec0: probability of reproduction (0= no flowering, 1 = individual was flowering in time t)

- fec1: number of fruits per plant (NA if fec0 = 0)

- fec2: number of seeds per fruit (NA if fec0 = 0)

- fec3: probability that seeds produced in year t will germinate that year

- fec4: probability of seedling survival prior to the next census

- goSB: probability that seeds produced in natural year t will go into the seedbank

- staySB: probability that seeds will remain in the seedbank from year t to t+1

- cov: annual precipitation in year t (Jan-Dec; mm)

- surv: survival (0 = dead, 1= alive, NAs if not yet recruited)

- sizeNext: length of longest stem in individual (cm) in time t+1

- ontogenyNext: recruits vs established individuals in time t+1 (1 = individual was recruited in time t+1, 0 = already established individual prior to time t+1, NA = individual not yet recruited or dead in t+1)

- covNext: annual precipitation in natural year t+1 (Jan-Dec; mm)


Pedro Quintana-Ascencio & Eric Menges


Quintana-Ascencio, Menges & Weekley. 2003. A fire-explicit population viability analyses of Hypericum cumulicola in Florida Rosemary scrub. Conservation Biology 17, p433-449.



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