
Last Revised: June 23, 2015

This is a style guide and set of coding standards for authors and contributors of the TAG project. I am deliberately ignoring unimportant conventions, such as the line on which an opening brace starts, tabs/spcaes, etc. You should try your hardest to keep styles consistent and legible, but that is not the purpose of this document.

Throughout, many assumptions have been made about, for example, naming conventions and file structures. If one were to deviate from those assumptions, things will break. The organization was deliberately chosen to make things very simple to reason about and modify, but it is sometimes very verbose.

Throughout, I'm assuming you're at least reasonably familiar with R and Shiny. If not, especially the latter, you should read up on them. Here are some suggestions for places to start:

R: The Art of R Programming R Packages * Advanced R

Shiny: Basics: Shiny Tutorial Examples: Shiny Gallery Advanced topics: Shiny Articles Reference Manual

Naming Rules

Calling Functions

Except in the case of a function from shiny or TAG itself, you should always specify the namespace of a function you are using. So for example, if you want to use the wordcloud() function from the wordcloud package, you should call wordcloud::wordcloud(), not wordcloud().

The justification for this requirement is that the package depends on a lot of packages, and someone new to the codebase can get up to speed much faster with explicit namespace usage. This is somewhat equivalent to not calling using namespace in C++; based on the namespace import mechanics here, by default you can think of R as having called using package.

You should also exercise some care in the importing of functions from other packages, as it is possible to cause namespace collissions that create undesireable behavior.

Function Definitions

Whenever possible, you will want to put helper functions into the R/ subtree of the project. This is because whatever code you locally source for the app is not validated using any of R's static analysis utilities. However, this will require you either properly document and export them (which you should do!), or you call them using :::, which accesses non-exported functions from a package. So if you have no exported but need function foo() from R/foo.r, you would call it via TAG:::foo().

To document and export a function, you will need the roxygen2 package installed. TAG already has numerous examples about its usage. To (re)generate documentation, run the redocument script at the root of the project directory.

Note that the gateway, a shiny app, is essentially a user of the TAG R package.

State Management

Global Variables and Data

Local Variables and Data

Data local to each user should generally go in localstate, defined in inst/tag/server.r. These values will be reactive, and they can be accessed as though localstate were a list.

At the time of writing, all analyses assume the existence of one or more of the values:

You can use the must_have() function to declare a dependency. For example, must_have("corpus") says that the current element requires the existence of localstate$corpus (i.e., it requires the user having imported or specified some data).

Beyond these fundamental values, sometimes an analysis creates an object that is needed by other tabs. Take for instance the Fit sub-tab of the Analyse menu's LDA element. When the user clicks the "Fit" button, a new object is added to localstate, namely lda_mdl.

Whenever you create a new object for localstate that other tabs depend on, you should add the appropriate logic to the must_have() function located in R/validate.r and then add the appropriate must_have() call to your new tabs.

Help Files

Help files go in inst/tag/shiny/help/ and are then separated by subdirectory according to their tab on the main TAG interface. So the Analyse tab has its help files go in the inst/tag/shiny/help/analyse folder.

Files are named according to the rule So in the analysis tab, for the LDA set of analysis elements, the Fit sub-tab help file must be named

Dynamically Generated/Modified Files

At the time of writing, the following files are the only ones outisde of those handled or modified by the roxygen2 package (NAMESPACE, DESCRIPTION, and man/*) which are dynamically generated or modified are:

Each of these files is updated by redocument. Whenever possible (it is not in, you should document in a comment at the top of any file dynamically modified what is updated. Further, you should make the generation/modification a side-effect of running redocument.

wrathematics/TAG documentation built on May 20, 2019, 11:37 a.m.