TAG: Text Analysis Gateway

description <- readLines("DESCRIPTION")
versionline <- description[grep(description, pattern="Version:")]
tagversion <- gsub(versionline, pattern="( +|Version:)", replacement="")

### Also upate inst/tag/shiny/pages/about.md
aboutfile <- "inst/tag/shiny/pages/about.md"
about <- readLines(aboutfile)
versionline <- grep(about, pattern="Version:")
about[versionline] <- paste("* **Version:**", tagversion)
cat(paste0(paste0(about, collapse="\n"), "\n"), file=aboutfile, append=FALSE)

The Text Analytics Gateway (TAG) is an interactive webapp for performing simple analyses on unstructured text.

When the gateway becomes mature enough, it will be made available one XSEDE compute resources. However, it is completely open source and you are free to install it on your laptop or a different remote resource.


In addition to needing R, you need the following packages:

indices <- (grep(description, pattern="Imports")+1) : (grep(description, pattern="NeedsCompilation:")-1)
deps <- description[indices]
deps <- gsub(deps, pattern=" +", replacement=" ")
cat(paste0("*", deps, collapse="\n"))

The easiest way to install this package is use the devtools package, which will handle dependency resolution for you. To install devtools, you can run the following from R:


Note that you will need to be able to install R packages from source. So in addition, you will need:

From then on, you can install the current build of the textgateway package via:



From a terminal, you can launch the app via the runapp.sh script. If your web browser does not automatically open the web app, use the url/port combo that it prints it's "listening on" in your web browser.

You can also easily run the app from any interactive R session:



Work for this project was supported in part by the project Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment (XSEDE), which is supported by National Science Foundation grant number ACI-1053575.

Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.

wrathematics/TAG documentation built on May 20, 2019, 11:37 a.m.