
plot.gwselect = function(model, values=NULL, part='coef', legend.name=NULL, var=NULL, type='fitted', locs=NULL, polygons=NULL, s=NULL, group='group', title='', borderlines=NULL, by.locs=NULL, by.polygons=NULL, col.bg='green', col.outline='white') {
    #Prepare something for plotting:
    name.var = var

    if (is.null(polygons)) {
        #Plot on a regular grid using locs
    } else {
        if (is.null(locs)) {
            locs = data.frame(model[['coords']])
            locs = unique(locs)
            output = sapply(1:nrow(locs), function(k) {model[['model']][['models']][[k]][[part]][name.var,]})
        } else {
            #Generate the output at the given locs
            locs = unique(locs)
            output = values

        #Merge the polygons with the locs:
        mergedata = data.frame()
        for (k in unique(polygons[,group])) {
            id = which(point.in.polygon(pol.x=polygons[polygons[,group]==k,1], pol.y=polygons[polygons[,group]==k,2], point.x=locs[,1], point.y=locs[,2])==1)
            if (length(id)==1) {
                shape = polygons[polygons[,group]==k,]
                shape = cbind(shape, id, output=output[id])
                mergedata = rbind(mergedata, shape)

        #get the name for the legend:
        if (is.null(legend.name)) {legend.name = part}

        #Draw the map
        map <- ggplot(mergedata, aes(long,lat,group=group))
        map <- map + geom_polygon(aes(fill=output))
        map <- map + scale_fill_gradient2(low=muted("blue"), mid="white", high="orange", limits=range(mergedata$output, na.rm=TRUE), name=legend.name)
        map <- map + coord_map(project='globular')   
        map <- map + theme(panel.background=element_rect(fill=col.bg, colour=col.outline))
        #Annotate the map with borderlines
        if (!is.null(borderlines)) {map <- map + geom_path(data=borderlines, colour='white', size=0.75)}

        #Plot the map
        map + ggtitle(title) #+ guides(fill=guide_legend(reverse=TRUE))
wrbrooks/gwselect documentation built on May 4, 2019, 11:59 a.m.