Man pages for wrbrooks/lagr
Local adaptive grouped regularization

bisquareThe bisquare kernel
cubicThe cubic kernel
deg.distFind the distance from the "from" location to a vector of...
earth.distFind the distance between locations specified by...
epanechnikovThe Epanechnikov kernel
grouplassoDo the local adaptive grouped regularization step.
grouplassoLambdasCompute the lambdas (adaptive group lasso tuning parameters)...
grouplassoRunGet the sequence of tuning parameters and then make the call...
lagrFit a model via local, adaptive grouped regularization
lagr.dispatchDispatch the fitting of local models to parallel cores, if... a local model via the local adaptive group lasso
lagr.knnCalculate the proportion of observations that lie within a...
lagr.parse.model.frameThis function takes input to the lagr or lagr.tune function,...
lagr.ssrCalculate the sum of squared residuals for a local model
lagr.tuneEstimate the bandwidth parameter for a lagr model
lagr.tune.bwEvaluate the bandwidth selection criterion for a given...
plot.lagrPlot a lagr object
sphericalThe spherical kernel
ylogyCompute 'y*log(y)'
wrbrooks/lagr documentation built on May 4, 2019, 11:59 a.m.