Man pages for wri/retrieveR
Automate information retrieval and analysis of documents

create_corpusCreates a corpus that can be used with create_locations
create_corpus_htmlHTML version of create_corpus, to be removed
create_dfA function to create a paragraph-per-row dataframe inheriting...
create_locationsCreate neural embedding weights for each paragraph in a...
create_reportQuery a corpus for a topic and create a report summarizing...
create_virtualenvCreates a Python 2.7 virtual environment for running OCR
download_embeddingsDownload neural embeddings pre-trained on 1,000+...
download_exampleDownloads example PDFs for use with the vignette
install_macInstall the wordVectors package from source
install_windowsInstall the wordVectors package from binary
interactive_reportQuery a corpus for a topic and create a report summarizing...
prep_documentsPreps documents for querying
prep_htmlsReads in htmls to a data frame
prep_wordvecCorpus creating and data cleaning to create a .csv that can...
render_with_widgetsQuery a corpus for a topic and create a report summarizing...
run_ocrRuns OCR on the input corpus
wri/retrieveR documentation built on July 23, 2019, 11:54 p.m.