Man pages for wtcooper/modUtils
Collection of utils for model building and tuning.

balanceClassesSimple balancing of classes for multinomial. If up-sample, do...
balanceMultiProbsSimple approach to balance the probabilities from an...
convToBinaryConvert specified columns in a dataset to binary 0 or 1.
convToDummyDummy code the specified columns in a dataset. The returned...
getAUCCompute the area under the ROC (AUC)
getBalancedAccGet's the balanced accuracy by choosing a probability...
getBalancedProbCutGet's the probability cutoff for a binomial classification...
getBasicCleanDataDoes some basic cleaning of the dataset (imputation, zero...
getCMValsPulls confusion matrix metrics from predicted and observed...
getCVFoldsSimple fold index generator, all idx used, randomly sorted.
getGINICompute the Gini coefficient
getSummaryTableGet's the basic summary stats for a data set, in data.frame...
make_pathCreate some folders for output
multiClassMetricsGet's class-specific evaluation metrics for a multiclass...
multiClassMetricsMeansGet's overall evaluation metrics for a multiclass...
removeHighVIFRemoves columns with high multicollinearity automatically...
removeZeroVarThis is rip of caret function: just looks at relative to the...
wtcooper/modUtils documentation built on May 4, 2019, 11:59 a.m.