Man pages for wviechtb/escalc
Package for Computing Effect Sizes

cmicalcBias-correction factor for Cohen's d
d_from_2x2Obtain Cohen's _d_ from 2x2 Table Data (Probit...
d_from_F_onewayObtain Cohen's _d_ from one-way F tests
d_from_meansObtain Cohen's _d_ from means, standard deviations, and ns
d_from_MSEObtain Cohen's _d_ from mean squared error
d_from_orObtain Cohen's _d_ from an Odds Ratio and its Confidence...
d_from_p_t_inObtain Cohen's _d_ from p-value of an independent samples...
d_from_r_pbObtain Cohen's _d_ from the point biserial correlation _r_
d_from_r_pearsonObtain Cohen's _d_ from the Pearson correlation _r_
d_from_t_inObtain Cohen's _d_ from Student's _t_
wviechtb/escalc documentation built on Jan. 9, 2020, 4:14 p.m.