test.data.2comp: Simulated two-component test data

test.data.2compR Documentation

Simulated two-component test data


A list of simulated two-component test data used in DeMixT function. Expression data with 500 genes and 100 samples are simulated.




An object of class list of length 5.


A list with 5 elements (2 more elements when output.more.info = TRUE), which are


A matrix of estimated proportion. First row and second row corresponds to the proportion estimate for the known components and unkown component respectively for two or three component settings. Each column corresponds to one sample.


Simulated Mu of log2-normal distribution for both known (MuN1) and unknown component (MuT).


Simulated Sigma of log2-normal distribution for both known (SigmaN1) and unknown component (SigmaT).


A SummarizedExperiment object of expression data from mixed tumor samples. It is a G by My matrix where G is the number of genes and My is the number of mixed samples. Samples with the same tissue type should be placed together in columns.


A SummarizedExperiment object of expression data from reference component 1 (e.g., normal). It is a G by M1 matrix where G is the number of genes and M1 is the number of samples for component 1.


A SummarizedExperiment object of simulated tumor expression data. It is a G by My matrix, where G is the number of genes and My is the number of mixed samples. This is shown only when output.more.info = TRUE.


A SummarizedExperiment object of simulated true expression data for reference component 1 (e.g., normal). It is a G by M1 matrix where G is the number of genes and M1 is the number of samples for component 1. This is shown only when output.more.info = TRUE.

wwylab/DeMixT documentation built on July 13, 2024, 3:06 a.m.