Man pages for wyguo/RTDBox
High resolution Transcriptome using Single Molecule PacBio Iso-seq data

bed2gtfConvert gtf file to bed12 file.
countReadsTranscript abundance analysis counts and count ratios
countSlidingCount the TSS or TES number in sliding window
DNArevComplementReverse complement of DNA
exon2intronGet introns from exon coordinates
export_gtfExport Granges object to gtf file
gtf2bedConvert gtf file to bed12 file.
HCsiteExtract high confident transcript start or end site
makeGtfAttributesConvert metadata information of a GRanges object to the...
matchGeneIDMatch gene ids in the novel assembly to a reference
rowratioCalculate column raito of a matrix or data frame based on a...
RTDfilterFilter collasped transcript datasets
rtdMergeIntegrate the transcripts in the inference RTD to the...
SJanalysisSplice Junction (SJ) analysis
SummaryTranSiteSummary transcript start site (TSS) and transcript end site...
TSanalysisTranscript start site (TSS) and end site (TES) analysis
wyguo/RTDBox documentation built on Jan. 31, 2023, 1:19 a.m.