Man pages for wzb-ipi/dashdash
Make simple dashboards for live data display

all_bar_plotall_bar_plot function to plot all vars with bar
assert_duplicatesAssert if duplicates in data.frame
check_duplicatesCheck if duplicates in data.frame
check_my_dataCheck my_data
check_my_varsCheck my_vars
ft_country_graphsft country graphs
get_current_meanscurrent means
helloHello, World!
plot_aggregatesplot aggregates over time
plot_disaggregatesplot disaggregates over time
plot_d_mov_avgplot disaggregates moving avg
plot_mov_avgplot 3 day moving average
row_functionrow fun
summary_tablesummary table
wzb-ipi/dashdash documentation built on Aug. 30, 2020, 4:42 p.m.