Man pages for xhtai/clusterTruster
Benchmarking Minimax Linkage

distToPrototypeFind prototypes given clustering, and radius (maximum...
FBISWFBI Smith & Wesson data
genPairwiseGenerate pairwise comparisons
genSimDiffGenerate either correlation, l1 or l2 distance, from...
getClustGoing from links to clusters
getHclusterHierarchical clustering given pairwise distances
getMetricsGenerate four evaluation metrics from pairwise comparisons
loadDatasetLoad evaluation metrics for all possible clusters k of a...
longToSquareGenerate distance matrix from pairwise list and distance (or...
makeLinkColGenerate binary column representing links between pairs,...
misclassRateCalculate misclassification rate given pairs, model...
plotResultsGGCreate evaluation ggplot graphics for linkage results
plotResultsGG_baseCreate evaluation ggplot graphics for varying linkage results
precisionRecallCalculate precision and recall given pairs, model prediction...
removedDupsNBIDE data
singh2002Prostate data set
xhtai/clusterTruster documentation built on May 22, 2020, 10:56 a.m.