API for xihaoli/STAARpipelineSummary
Summarization and Visualization of Analysis Results Generated by STAARpipeline

Global functions
Annotate_Single_Variants Man page Source code
Dynamic_Window_Results_Summary Man page Source code
Gene_Centric_Coding_Info Man page Source code
Gene_Centric_Coding_Results_Summary Man page Source code
Gene_Centric_Coding_Results_Summary_incl_ptv Man page Source code
Gene_Centric_Noncoding_Info Man page Source code
Gene_Centric_Noncoding_Results_Summary Man page Source code
Individual_Analysis_Results_Summary Man page Source code
Single_Variants_List_Analysis Man page Source code
Sliding_Window_Info Man page Source code
Sliding_Window_Results_Summary Man page Source code
fit_nullmodel_genome_cond_spa Man page Source code
info_UTR Source code
info_disruptive_missense Source code
info_downstream Source code
info_enhancer_CAGE Source code
info_enhancer_DHS Source code
info_missense Source code
info_ncRNA Source code
info_plof Source code
info_plof_ds Source code
info_promoter_CAGE Source code
info_promoter_DHS Source code
info_ptv Source code
info_ptv_ds Source code
info_synonymous Source code
info_upstream Source code
manhattan_plot Source code
xihaoli/STAARpipelineSummary documentation built on July 27, 2024, 4:30 p.m.