Rata: Automated Test Assembly



Rata applies mixed integer programming (MIP) to automatically build test forms for educational and psychological assessment. Rata is designed as a general automated test assembly (ATA) framework, and it can be used to assemble linear tests, support linear-on-the-fly testing (LOFT), prepare item pools for computerized adaptive testing (CAT), and assemble panels in multistage testing (MST).

In Rata, users first define a MIP model by adding the objective and constraints sequentially, and then solve the MIP model using either lp_solve or GLPK.

Rata supports mixed format item pool. Currently, the mixed format item pool supports a mixture of 3PL, GPCM, and GRM items. Key dependencies of Rata include Rirt, lpSolveAPI, and glpkAPI.


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Users would use the following functions to build and solve MIP models:


First, we write a helper function for generating item pools which is used in following examples. By default, the pool includes 300 3PL items, 20 GPCM items, and 20 GRM items. Each item has a categorical item attribute (content area) and a continuous attribute (response time). In addition, items are randomly grouped to form item sets.

library(dplyr, warn.conflicts=FALSE)

item_pool <- function(types=c('3pl', 'gpcm', 'grm'), n_3pl=300, n_gpcm=20, n_grm=20, seed=21578) {
  items <- model_mixed_gendata(1, n_3pl, n_gpcm, n_grm, n_c=4)$items
  items$'3pl' <- cbind(items$'3pl', id=seq(n_3pl), content=sample(3, n_3pl, replace=TRUE),
                       time=round(rlnorm(n_3pl, 4, .38)), group=sort(sample(n_3pl/2, n_3pl, replace=TRUE)))
  items$'gpcm' <- cbind(items$'gpcm', id=seq(n_gpcm), content=sample(3, n_gpcm, replace=TRUE),
                        time=round(rlnorm(n_gpcm, 4, .38)), group=sort(sample(n_gpcm/2, n_gpcm, replace=TRUE)))
  items$'grm' <- cbind(items$'grm', id=seq(n_grm), content=sample(3, n_grm, replace=TRUE),
                       time=round(rlnorm(n_grm, 4, .38)), group=sort(sample(n_grm/2, n_grm, replace=TRUE)))
  items[names(items) %in% types]

Example 1: Assemble linear tests

Assemble 4 non-overlapping forms that should have maximum test information function (TIF) from -1.28 to 1.28 on the scale which covers 80% of the population. Each form includes 10 items, with 3, 3, and 4 items in the content area 1 to 3 respectively. Additionally, each form has an average response time of 60 +/- 5 seconds per item.

x <- ata(item_pool(), n_forms=4, test_len=10, max_use=1)
x <- ata_relative_objective(x, seq(-1.28, 1.28, length.out=4), 'max')
x <- ata_constraint(x, 'content', min=3, max=3, level=1)
x <- ata_constraint(x, 'content', min=3, max=3, level=2)
x <- ata_constraint(x, 'content', min=4, max=4, level=3)
x <- ata_constraint(x, 'time', min=55*10, max=65*10)
x <- ata_solve(x, 'lpsolve', return_format='model', time_limit=30)
## the model is sub-optimal, optimum: 2.373 (3.509, 1.136)
rbind(if(nrow(x$items$'3pl') >  0) select(x$items$'3pl', content, time, form) else NULL,
      if(nrow(x$items$'gpcm') > 0) select(x$items$'gpcm', content, time, form) else NULL,
      if(nrow(x$items$'grm') >  0) select(x$items$'grm', content, time, form) else NULL) %>%
  group_by(form) %>%
  summarise(con1=sum(content==1), con2=sum(content==2), con3=sum(content==3), time=mean(time))
## # A tibble: 4 x 5
##    form  con1  con2  con3  time
##   <int> <int> <int> <int> <dbl>
## 1     1     3     3     4  63.6
## 2     2     3     3     4  65  
## 3     3     3     3     4  60.3
## 4     4     3     3     4  55.6

To obtain a flatter TIF over the same region so that the test produces more comparable measurement errors, we give ATA a TIF target that is about 60% of the optimum found in the previous solution.

tif_tar <- x$obj_var[1] * .6
x <- ata(item_pool(), n_forms=4, test_len=10, max_use=1)
x <- ata_absolute_objective(x, seq(-1.28, 1.28, length.out=4), target=tif_tar)
x <- ata_constraint(x, 'content', min=3, max=3, level=1)
x <- ata_constraint(x, 'content', min=3, max=3, level=2)
x <- ata_constraint(x, 'content', min=4, max=4, level=3)
x <- ata_constraint(x, 'time', min=55*10, max=65*10)
x <- ata_solve(x, 'lpsolve', return_format='model', time_limit=30)
## the model is sub-optimal, optimum: 0.174 (0.059, 0.115)
rbind(if(nrow(x$items$'3pl') >  0) select(x$items$'3pl', content, time, form) else NULL,
      if(nrow(x$items$'gpcm') > 0) select(x$items$'gpcm', content, time, form) else NULL,
      if(nrow(x$items$'grm') >  0) select(x$items$'grm', content, time, form) else NULL) %>%
  group_by(form) %>%
  summarise(con1=sum(content==1), con2=sum(content==2), con3=sum(content==3), time=mean(time))
## # A tibble: 4 x 5
##    form  con1  con2  con3  time
##   <int> <int> <int> <int> <dbl>
## 1     1     3     3     4  59.5
## 2     2     3     3     4  64.7
## 3     3     3     3     4  55.2
## 4     4     3     3     4  62.7

We can also use difficulty parameters, as opposed to TIF, to control the psychometric characteristics of the test forms. In this example, we assemble four parallel test forms in which the mean and SD of difficulty parameters are equal to 0 and 1 respectively.

x <- ata(item_pool('3pl', n_3pl=300), n_forms=4, test_len=10, max_use=1) # generate 300 3PL items
x <- ata_absolute_objective(x, x$pool$'3pl'$b, target=0*10)
x <- ata_absolute_objective(x, (x$pool$'3pl'$b-0)^2, target=1^2*10)
x <- ata_constraint(x, 'content', min=3, max=3, level=1)
x <- ata_constraint(x, 'content', min=3, max=3, level=2)
x <- ata_constraint(x, 'content', min=4, max=4, level=3)
x <- ata_constraint(x, 'time', min=55*10, max=65*10)
x <- ata_solve(x, 'lpsolve', return_format='model', time_limit=30)
## the model is sub-optimal, optimum: 0.043 (0.043, 0)
group_by(x$items$'3pl', form) %>%
  summarise(b_mean=mean(b), b_std=sd(b), con1=sum(content==1), con2=sum(content==2), con3=sum(content==3), time=mean(time)) %>% round(., 2)
## # A tibble: 4 x 7
##    form b_mean b_std  con1  con2  con3  time
##   <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1     1      0  1.05     3     3     4  55.8
## 2     2      0  1.05     3     3     4  59.6
## 3     3      0  1.05     3     3     4  60.5
## 4     4      0  1.05     3     3     4  55.2

Example 2: Model item relational constraints

In this example, we demonstrate how to control item relational constraints in ATA. First is the item set constraints, which treats items associated with the same stimulus as a group. Setting ata(..., group=) to the name of the item set grouping variable would add the relevant constraints to the MIP model automatically in the ensuing model building process.

x <- ata(item_pool('3pl', n_3pl=200), n_forms=4, test_len=10, max_use=1, group='group') # generate 200 3PL items
x <- ata_relative_objective(x, seq(-.68, .68, length.out=3), 'max') # maximize TIF over [-.68, .68] which covers 50% of the population
x <- ata_solve(x, 'lpsolve', 'model', time_limit=30)
## the model is sub-optimal, optimum: 2.938 (3.661, 0.723)
# ATA = number of items associated with the group id in assembled forms
# Pool = number of items associated with the group id in the item pool
merge(group_by(x$items$'3pl', form, group) %>% summarise(ATA=n()),
       group_by(x$pool$'3pl', group) %>% summarise(Pool=n()),
       by='group', all.x=TRUE) %>% arrange(form, group)
##    group form ATA Pool
## 1      5    1   1    1
## 2      7    1   1    1
## 3     27    1   4    4
## 4     55    1   3    3
## 5     61    1   1    1
## 6     14    2   1    1
## 7     25    2   1    1
## 8     39    2   4    4
## 9     73    2   1    1
## 10    75    2   1    1
## 11    80    2   1    1
## 12    94    2   1    1
## 13    42    3   3    3
## 14    44    3   5    5
## 15    49    3   1    1
## 16    64    3   1    1
## 17    11    4   1    1
## 18    21    4   1    1
## 19    50    4   1    1
## 20    68    4   2    2
## 21    69    4   2    2
## 22    76    4   1    1
## 23    81    4   2    2

To have a set of common items shared across all forms, use ata(..., common_items=). To have a set of common items shared between adjacent forms, use ata(..., overlap_items).

# 5 common items among all forms
x <- ata(item_pool('3pl', n_3pl=200), n_forms=4, test_len=10, max_use=1, common_items=5)
x <- ata_relative_objective(x, seq(-.68, .68, length.out=3), 'max')
x <- ata_solve(x, 'lpsolve', 'model', time_limit=30)
## the model is sub-optimal, optimum: 3.729 (4.424, 0.695)

counts <- with(x$items$'3pl', table(id, form))
# expect 10 items each test form
##  1  2  3  4 
## 10 10 10 10
# expect 5 items that appear in all test forms
counts[rowSums(counts)==4, ]
##      form
## id    1 2 3 4
##   112 1 1 1 1
##   117 1 1 1 1
##   128 1 1 1 1
##   150 1 1 1 1
##   158 1 1 1 1

To avoid enemy items in the same form, use the ata_item_enemy function.

x <- ata(item_pool('3pl', n_3pl=15), n_forms=5, test_len=3, max_use=1)
x <- ata_relative_objective(x, x$pool$'3pl'$b, 'max')
x <- ata_item_enemy(x, 1:5) # do not put item 1-5 in the same form
x <- ata_item_enemy(x, 6:10) # do not put item 6-10 in the same form
x <- ata_item_enemy(x, 11:15) # do not put item 11-15 in the same form
x <- ata_solve(x, 'lpsolve', 'model', time_limit=30)
## optimal solution found, optimum: 0.021 (0.146, 0.125)
# expect each form have one item from 1-5, 6-10, and 11-15
select(x$items$'3pl', form, id) %>% arrange(form, id)
##    form id
## 1     1  2
## 2     1 10
## 3     1 12
## 4     2  3
## 5     2  8
## 6     2 11
## 7     3  4
## 8     3  7
## 9     3 13
## 10    4  5
## 11    4  9
## 12    4 14
## 13    5  1
## 14    5  6
## 15    5 15

To allow item reuse, use ata(..., max_use=) or the ata_item_use function.

x <- ata(item_pool('3pl', n_3pl=15), n_forms=2, test_len=5, max_use=2) # allow items to be used up to twice
x <- ata_relative_objective(x, x$pool$'3pl'$b, 'max')
x <- ata_solve(x, 'lpsolve', 'model', time_limit=30)
## optimal solution found, optimum: 3.348 (3.348, 0)
# expect two identical forms, since the best items are reused
with(x$items$'3pl', table(id, form))
##     form
## id   1 2
##   1  1 1
##   4  1 1
##   6  1 1
##   11 1 1
##   14 1 1

To force an item to be select or not selected, use the ata_item_fix function.

x <- ata(item_pool('3pl', n_3pl=15), n_forms=2, test_len=5, max_use=2)
x <- ata_relative_objective(x, x$pool$'3pl'$b, 'max')
x <- ata_item_fix(x, 1:5, min=1, forms=1) # use item 1-5 in form 1
x <- ata_item_fix(x, 1:5, max=0, forms=2) # do not use 1-5 in form 2
x <- ata_solve(x, 'lpsolve', 'model', time_limit=30)
## optimal solution found, optimum: 1.138 (1.152, 0.014)
# expect item 1-5 in form 1 but not form 2
with(x$items$'3pl', table(id, form))
##     form
## id   1 2
##   1  1 0
##   2  1 0
##   3  1 0
##   4  1 0
##   5  1 0
##   6  0 1
##   7  0 1
##   10 0 1
##   12 0 1
##   14 0 1

Getting help

If you encounter a bug, please post a code example that exposes the bug on github. You can post your questions and feature requests on github or contact the author.

xluo11/Rata documentation built on Nov. 5, 2019, 12:29 p.m.