The ECAMECO package

This R package can be used to retrieve the European Commission AMECO database.

The code behind this package also serves as a backend to an EViews add-in created by the author.

The package can retrieve the:

  1. Current version of the AMECO database
  2. Vintage versions of the AMECO database

To cite the ECAMECO package in publications, use:

Graeme Walsh (2018). ECAMECO R package version 0.1.0.

Installation - Method 1

To install the package, use the devtools package as follows:


Installation - Method 2

If you have trouble installing the package using devtools, here is a second method.

  1. Go to GitHub
  2. Download the zip file (click on Clone or Download)
  3. Unzip the file
  4. In the unzipped file, open the R Project (.rproj) file
  5. In RStudio, click Build (top right corner) then Build & Reload (this step may require installing Rtools)

Installation - Method 3

If you're really stuck, you can load the functions in the package as follows:


Quick Start

Begin by loading the package and reading some of the man pages:



To quickly get a feel for how the package works, run the following examples.

The first example shows how to retrieve the latest version of the AMECO database. The database is returned as a dataframe object.

# Example 1

The second example demonstrates how to get the URLs to the vintages of the database.

# Example 2
Vintage_URLs <- getVitageURLs()

The third example shows how to retrieve one of the vintage databases.

# Example 3
AMECO_vintage <- getECAMECO(url = Vintage_URLs[1])

Feedback, Bugs, Suggestions

Please contact me at or

News (2018 - August)

This is the first release of the package. Future plans include adding helper functions for extracting variables from the dataset.


I have no affiliation with the European Commission. This package is not official software of the European Commission nor is the package endorsed by the European Commission.

xprimexinverse/ECAMECO documentation built on May 15, 2019, 12:47 p.m.