Man pages for xprimexinverse/EurostatBDF
A package for downloading datasets from the Eurostat Bulk Download Facility

EurostatBDFA package for downloading datasets from the Eurostat Bulk...
getCodeListsGet the code lists for a dataset
getColheadGet column header properties (for use in EViews)
getDicGet a dictionary file from the Eurostat Bulk Download...
getEurostatGet a complete dataset from the Eurostat Bulk Download...
getEurostatRawGet a dataset in raw format from the Eurostat Bulk Download...
getMetaGet the metadata associated with a dataset
getPeriodGet the time period and frequency of a dataset
getTdicGet the table dictionary file from the Eurostat Bulk Download...
getTocGet the table of contents file from the Eurostat Bulk...
prepareCSVPrepare a dataset to be saved in CSV format (add codes and...
tidyRawDataTidy a raw format Eurostat dataset (remove flags, etc.)
xprimexinverse/EurostatBDF documentation built on May 5, 2019, 6:56 p.m.