gsynth 1.1.7

Using normal approximation instead of the percentile method to obtain confidence intervals based on bootstrapped standard errors.

gsynth 1.1.4

  1. Import function felm from lfe to fit two-way fixed effects model as the starting value for estimation of interactive fixed effects model with unbalanced panel data.
  2. Add cluster bootstrap option for uncertainty estimates.
  3. Add jackknife uncertainty estimates.
  4. Add a new function cumuEff for calculation of sub-group and cumulative treatment effects.

gsynth 1.0.9

  1. Function panelView() is removed from gsynth and becomes an independent package panelview.
  2. Implement the matrix completion method.
  3. Fix bugs.
  4. Change the color scheme.

gsynth 1.0.8

  1. Add a function panelView() to visualize raw data and data structure before estimation.
  2. Fix bugs.

gsynth 1.0.7

  1. Add "implied weights" of control units for each treated unit to the output of the main function (wgt.implied).
  2. Add a plot to visualize missing data and treatment status (type = "missing").
  3. Accommodate unbalanced panels.

xuyiqing/gsynth documentation built on Feb. 23, 2022, 9:09 p.m.