Man pages for xuzhougeng/binmapr
Call Marker from SNP Data using Binmap

calcFreqFromAdCalculate the frequcy of Allele depth
calcMissRatioCalculate the missing ratio of each sample on all site
callGtFromAdcall genotype from Allele depth by Frequency
callWindowGenoCall genotype by fix-size window
export2crossGenerate cross object for R/qtl
fixGenoErrorFix potential genotype error
genoRice QTL genotype data
getAdFromVcfget the Allele depth from vcf
phenoRice QTL phenotype data
plotGenoHeatmapgenotype heatmap
plotMarkermarker distribution in scaffold/contigs
plotRfHeatmapRecombination fractions heatmap
read.fastphaseread fastPHASE format
sub-.binmaprSubset method for binmapr objects
subset.binmaprsubset the binmaprt data
write.fastphasewrite fastPHASE format
xuzhougeng/binmapr documentation built on Aug. 25, 2023, 6:44 a.m.