knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)

Response to Selection

Response to selection (R), it is the difference of mean phenotypic value between the offspring of the selection parents and the whole of the parental generation before selection.

Selection differential (S), it is the mean phenotypic values of the individuals selected as parents expressed as a deviation from the population mean. $$ S = T_s - T $$

## simulate n individuals in parental population
n = 1000
parents <- rnorm(n)

## select top 5% of parents and random mate them
i = 0.05
p <- head(sort(parents, decreasing=TRUE), round(length(parents)*i,0))
k0 <- (rep(p, each=length(p)) + rep(p, times=length(p)))/2

h2 = 0.8
residualvar <- (var(parents) - h2*var(parents))/h2
residual <- rnorm(length(k0), 0, sqrt(residualvar))

k <- h2*k0 + residual 
## estimate R and S
R <- mean(k) - mean(parents)
S <- mean(p) - mean(parents)

plot(k, k0)
hist(parents, breaks=100)
abline(v=qnorm(p=0.95), lty=2, lwd=3, col="red")

Fig 11.1

plot(k, k0)

What is selection intensity

Selection intensity (symbolized by $i$) defined as the standardized selection differential $S/\sigma_P$.

p2i <- function(p, n=1000, m=0, sd=1){
  parents <- rnorm(n, m, sd)
  cutoff <- quantile(parents, 1-p)
  S <- mean(parents[parents >= cutoff])

myi <- data.frame()
for(p in seq(from=0.05, to=0.95, by=0.05)){
  tem <- data.frame(percent=p, i=p2i(p, n=10000))
  myi <- rbind(myi, tem)

yangjl/quantgen documentation built on May 4, 2019, 2:29 p.m.