knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)

Short-term Results

Variability of the responses:
1. Random drift due to the restricted number of parents;
2. Sampling error in estimating hte generation mean;
3. Variation of selection differentials;
4. Environmental factors.

Sampling variance

$$ \sigma_R^2 = \sigma_d^2 + \sigma_e^2
= V_p(th^2/N_e + 1/M) $$

In the equation, M denotes the of individuals measured.

Selection experiments often yield no response over the first one or two generations, or even longer, but give a clear response later. The reason is usually that the numbers have been too small and random drift in the 'wrong' direction has nullified the response.


Reasons for Asymmetry of Response

  1. Random Drift
    to do: simulate the response by considering drift.

  2. Inbreeding Depression

  3. Genetic Asymmetry
  4. Genes with large effect

It is that if the character selected is a component of natural fitness, asymmetry should be expected, with selection towards increased fitness giving a slower response than selection towards decreased fitness.

Long-term Results

yangjl/quantgen documentation built on May 4, 2019, 2:29 p.m.