knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE, messsage = FALSE, warning = FALSE)


The package lab3group3 was created for a lab in STAT 585 at ISU. It contains three functions that convert sf country shape files into data frames. These functions are all based on solutions from lab 2 created by other lab groups in the class. All three functions should produce the same output, but they use different techniques to change the sf object to a dataframe.

Here is a link to our GitHub repository where the code for the package is stored.


The package can be downloaded from GitHub. You can use the following code to install.

# Install the package from github

You can then load the package in the normal way.

# Load the package

Example Data

To demonstrate the functionality of the functions in lab3group3, we will use the Australia shape file downloaded from gdam. The code below loads in the .shp file, thins the data, and converts it into a sf object.

# Load packages that will be used

# Read in the large Austrailia shape file
ozbig <- read_sf("./data/gadm36_AUS_shp/gadm36_AUS_1.shp")

# Thin the file
oz_st <- maptools::thinnedSpatialPoly(as(ozbig, "Spatial"), 
                                      tolerance = 0.1, 
                                      minarea = 0.001, 
                                      topologyPreserve = TRUE)

# Convert it to a sf file
oz <- st_as_sf(oz_st)



The team_1 function was written by Yawei. It was created based on the solution for lab2 by group 1.

The function has two input values.

The function returns a dataframe with the following variables.

# Use the team_5 function to convert the shape file to a dataframe
oz_df_1 <- team_1(oz, 0.1)

# Print the head of the dataframe

# Create a plot of Austrailia using the dataframe
ggplot(oz_df_1, aes(x = long, y = lat, group = group)) + 


The team_5 function was written by Katherine. It was created using code based on the solution for lab 2 by lab group 5.

The function has two input values.

The function returns a dataframe with the following variables.

Here is an example using the function team_5 with the Australia data.

# Use the team_5 function to convert the shape file to a dataframe
oz_df_5 <- team_5(oz, 0.1)

# Print the head of the dataframe

# Create a plot of Austrailia using the dataframe
ggplot(oz_df_5, aes(x = long, y = lat, group = group)) + 


The team_7 function was written by Earl.

This function was based on the work of team 7 in Lab 2.

From Lab 2, the team converted a shp file of Austrailia to a data frame. Our goal is to wrap this solution into a function.

# Use the team_7 function to convert the shape file to a dataframe
oz_df_7 <- team_7(oz, 0.1)

# Print the head of the dataframe

# Create a plot of Austrailia using the dataframe
ggplot(oz_df_7, aes(x = long, y = lat, group = group)) + 

yaweige/lab3group3 documentation built on May 28, 2019, 12:23 p.m.