knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE, warning = FALSE)


This is a set of tests for GSOC 2019. I'm trying to produce parallel coordinate plots in differnt ways.

Medium and Hard Test - To write a function that can draw parallel coordinate plot and include jittering


The package can be downloaded from GitHub. You can use the following code to install.


You can then load the package in the normal way.




The myparallel function was used to produce parallel coordinate plot based on ggplot2 functionalities.

The function has six input values currently and two input values to be extended in the future.

The function returns a ggplot2 object that can be plotted directly or used as base layers for additional modification



data(diamonds, package="ggplot2")
diamonds.samp <- diamonds[sample(1:dim(diamonds)[1], 100), ]

myparallel(data = diamonds.samp, columns = c(1, 5:7))

Add Color

myparallel(data = diamonds.samp, columns = c(1, 5:7), groupColumn = "cut")

Jitter and Title

myparallel(data = diamonds.samp, columns = c(1, 5:7), groupColumn = "cut",
           jitter = TRUE, jittervariables = "table") +
  ggplot2::ggtitle("Hello Parallel")

Inelegant Facet

myparallel(data = diamonds.samp, columns = c(1, 5:7), groupColumn = "cut",
           jitter = TRUE, jittervariables = "table") +
  ggplot2::facet_wrap(~cut) +
  ggplot2::ggtitle("Hello Parallel")

Easy Test - To produce examples using ggparcoord and ggparallel

Conclusion Comes First

To conclude, there are some features of these two functions I think are superfluous, but it doesn't affect anything if you choose not to use them. It's obvious that we can't combine categorical and numerical varibles in one plot using these two funcions. And there are definitely limitations for the full use of ggplot2 functionalities. Especially, for ggparallel, there are more limitations as shown below. But ggparcoord works pretty good to my point of view. It is also limited in jittering (but we can do that).

In many aspects, I think they work quite well.

I found that ggparcoord does work with facet, but it just simply divided the data instead of calculate for each of facet (or this is not a bad thing?). And ggparcoord does work with layers, but it is not very clear what kind of data and aes it passes to the following layers. But it seems not too bad. We can even find a way to jitter using ggparcoord.

I didn't see overlapping problem when I deal with categorical variables using ggparallel. When it comes to ggparcoord, I don't understand the conceptual problem described in the wiki, why treating those "variables of axes" as ordinal variables will lead to overplotting. To me, overlapping just exists because of the data.

Generate Example Data (It's a big one, carefully designed)

set.seed(20190404) # it doesn't really matter
parallelsample <- data.frame(# category_1 is the standard one
                             category_1 = c(rep(letters[1:5], each = 20)),
                             # category_2 is highly correlated with category_1
                             category_2 = c(sample(c(rep("A", 15), sample(LETTERS[2:5], 5, replace = T)), 20), 
                                            sample(c(rep("B", 15), sample(LETTERS[c(1, 3:5)], 5, replace = T)), 20),
                                            sample(c(rep("C", 15), sample(LETTERS[c(1:2, 4:5)], 5, replace = T)), 20),
                                            sample(c(rep("D", 15), sample(LETTERS[c(1:3, 5)], 5, replace = T)), 20),
                                            sample(c(rep("E", 15), sample(LETTERS[1:4], 5, replace = T)), 20)),
                             # category_3 has large difference in the sample sizes of each type
                             category_3 = c(rep("cat", 10), rep("dog", 50), rep("pig", 40)),
                             # category_4 is randomized
                             category_4 = c(sample(rep(c("red", "green", "yellow", "blue"), each = 25), 100)),
                             # numeric_1 is uniformly distributed with different means, correlated with category_1            
                             numeric_1 = c(unlist(lapply(list(0, 5, 10, 15, 20), 
                                                         FUN = function(x) runif(20, min = x, max = x +10)))),
                             # numeric_2 is normally distributed with different means, correlated with numeric_1
                             numeric_2 = c(unlist(lapply(list(5, 10, 15, 20, 25), 
                                                         FUN = function(x) rnorm(20, mean = x, sd = 5)))),
                             # numeric_3 is normally distributed with different means and variances, negatively correlated with numeric_1
                             numeric_3 = c(unlist(lapply(list(-5, -10, -15, -20, -25), 
                                                         FUN = function(x) rnorm(20, mean = x, sd = 1 + sqrt(-x))))),
                             # numeric_4 has a lot of overlap points, correlated with numeric_1
                             numeric_4 = rep(runif(10, min = 0, max = 1), each = 10),
                             # numeric_5 has a lot of overlap points too (but with different pattern, randomized)
                             numeric_5 = sample(rep(runif(10, min = 0, max = 1), each = 10), 100))


Features of ggparcoord

Examples For ggparcoord

std scale as default, subtract mean and divide by standard devition

ggparcoord(parallelsample, columns= 5:9)

Add some color

ggparcoord(parallelsample, columns= 5:9, groupColumn = 1)

uniminmax scale

ggparcoord(parallelsample, columns= 5:9, groupColumn = 1, scale = "uniminmax")

uniminmax scale, centered by "mean"

ggparcoord(parallelsample, columns= 5:9, groupColumn = 1, scale = "center")

globalminmax, unscaled; with some transparency

ggparcoord(parallelsample, columns= 5:9, groupColumn = 1, scale = "globalminmax", alphaLines = 0.5)

Spline fit

ggparcoord(parallelsample, columns= 5:9, groupColumn = 1, splineFactor = T)

Method to order the varibles(axes)

ggparcoord(parallelsample, columns= 5:9, groupColumn = 1, order = "anyClass")

More On ggparcoord

Work with facet_wrap, add title

ggparcoord(parallelsample, columns= 5:9, groupColumn = 3,
           scale = "uniminmax") + 
  facet_wrap(~category_3) +
  ggtitle("Happy Parallel")

Interesting finding, add points in this way

ggparcoord(parallelsample, columns= 5:9, groupColumn = 1) + 

ggparcoord(parallelsample, columns= 5:9, groupColumn = 1) + 

We can jitter in this way!!! But all the variables are jittered!!!

ggparcoord(parallelsample, columns= 5:9, groupColumn = 1, alphaLines = 0) +
  geom_line(position = position_jitter(width = 0, height = 0.4))

Pretty good!!!

Noticed that our category_1 is already a factor varible, we still need to use factor(category_1) to make it a categorical variable here.

ggparcoord(parallelsample, columns= 5:9,  alphaLines = 0.5,
           mapping = aes(color = category_1, size = category_2)) + 
  scale_size_identity() +
  ggtitle("Happy Parallel") +
  theme_light() +
  theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5))

Features of ggparallel

Examples for ggparallel

Work with categorical variblaes in default, method = "angle"

ggparallel(data = parallelsample, vars = list("category_1", "category_2", "category_3", "category_4"))

Hammock plot, surprise!!!

ggparallel(data = parallelsample, 
           vars = list("category_1", "category_2", "category_3", "category_4"),
           method = "hammock")

Hammock plot, ajusted

ggparallel(data = parallelsample, 
           vars = list("category_1", "category_2", "category_3", "category_4"),
           method = "hammock", ratio = 0.2)

Parset plot

ggparallel(data = parallelsample, 
           vars = list("category_1", "category_2", "category_3", "category_4"),
           method = "parset")

Parset plot with adjusted labels

ggparallel(data = parallelsample, 
           vars = list("category_1", "category_2", "category_3", "category_4"),
           method = "parset", text.angle = 0)

More On ggparallel

This works in a strange way

ggparallel(data = parallelsample, 
           vars = list("category_1", "category_2", "category_4")) +

Doesn't work

ggparallel(data = parallelsample,
           vars = list("category_1", "category_2", "category_4")) +

Doesn't work

ggparallel(data = parallelsample, 
           vars = list("category_1", "category_2", "category_4"),
           mapping = aes(alpha = as.numeric(category_3)/5))

Doesn't work

ggparallel(data = parallelsample, 
           vars = list("category_1", "category_2", "category_4"),
           mapping = aes(color = category_3))

yaweige/yaweitest documentation built on May 7, 2019, 6:10 a.m.