  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>"

This vignette provides usage details of the package AccData, which contains functions that access and extract information of accidents that have happened in specific years. In order for functions to work properly, please make sure that your data files are in the same directory as fars_function.R.

fars_read(filename) takes in the filename of a csv file and returns a data frame containing the data object in the file. The function will terminate if the file defined by the filename does not exsit.

make_filename(year) is a helper function used in multiple functions in this package that returns a string of the filename defined by a specific year.

fars_read_years(years) returns a list of the MONTH and year column of accident datasets.

fars_summarize_years(years) takes the list of MONTH and year columns returned by the previous function and summarizes the number of accidents in each month and year.

fars_map_state(state.num, year) takes a state identification number state.num and a given year and returns a scatter plot of locations of accidents in that state. The x and y axes of the plot is defined by longitude and latitude of the location.

yecong/accdata documentation built on May 5, 2019, 11:01 p.m.