
A package with two functions, one to estimate the Von Bertalanffy-type length-at-age curve parameters in fishes, the other to simulate length-at-age curve samples, useful for power analysis and teaching.

1 - LKest (Linf and K estimator for a Von Bertalanffy Age/Length relationship)

This function allows you to estimates the growth rate K and the theoretical maximum size Linf from a dataset made of Age and length measurements using the method described in Kimura D.K.,(1980) Likelihood methods for the von Bertalanffy growth curve. Fishery Bulletin 77: 765–776.

2 - fake_fish_creator (A function to create fake Length/Age relationship for fish)

This function allows you create fake data, with added noise.

yeynaud/VBEstimatorPackage documentation built on May 29, 2019, 12:18 p.m.