Man pages for ygu427/iSPREADR
imProved Spatial Regression Analysis for DTI Data in R

arrays2tabTable format to/from array format converters
artifactsGenerate some artifacts for a multi-dimensional image-like...
genboot.testGeneralized bootstrap (permutation) test.
ksresampSpatial data analysis based on kernel smoothing and...
MountDoomA crude algorithm to remove boundary voxels and reduce the...
NdistAn implementation of N-distance (N-statistic) functions.
rev.rankComputes the reverse rank of one vector in another vector
SmoothMulti-dimensional smoothing function.
spatial.permRandom permutation of the scan-label of each voxel while...
TestsDetecting abnormal region from either one pre and one post...
ygu427/iSPREADR documentation built on May 20, 2019, 4:37 p.m.