Man pages for yihui/MSG
Data and Functions for the Book Modern Statistical Graphics

andrews_curveDraw Andrew's Curve
assistsAssists between players in CLE and LAL
BinormCircleRandom numbers containing a "circle"
canabaltThe scores of the game Canabalt from Twitter
char_genGenerate a matrix of similar characters
ChinaLifeEduLife Expectancy and the Number of People with Higher...
cut_plotCut the points in a scatter plot into groups according to...
Export.USCNExport of US and China from 1999 to 2004 in US dollars data in some government websites
heart_curveDraw a heart curve
msgPlot a graph with a pre-installed R script
MSG-packageModern Statistical Graphics
murciaComposition of Soil from Murcia Province, Spain
musicAttributes of some music clips
PlantCountsNumber of plants corresponding to altitude
quake6Earth quakes from 1973 to 2010
t.diffThe differences of P-values in t test assuming equal or...
tukeyCountResults of a Simulation to Tukey's Fast Test
tvearnTop TV earners
vec2colGenerate colors from a vector
yihui/MSG documentation built on Aug. 16, 2021, 12:13 p.m.