knit_child: Knit a child document

View source: R/output.R

knit_childR Documentation

Knit a child document


This function knits a child document and returns a character string to input the result into the main document. It is designed to be used in the chunk option child and serves as the alternative to the SweaveInput command in Sweave.


knit_child(..., options = NULL, envir = knit_global())



Arguments passed to knit.


A list of chunk options to be used as global options inside the child document. When one uses the child option in a parent chunk, the chunk options of the parent chunk will be passed to the options argument here. Ignored if not a list.


Environment in which code chunks are to be evaluated, for example, parent.frame(), new.env(), or globalenv()).


A character string of the content of the compiled child document is returned as a character string so it can be written back to the parent document directly.


This function is not supposed be called directly like knit(); instead it must be placed in a parent document to let knit() call it indirectly.

The path of the child document is determined relative to the parent document.



# you can write \Sexpr{knit_child('child-doc.Rnw')} in an Rnw file 'main.Rnw'
# to input results from child-doc.Rnw in main.tex

# comment out the child doc by \Sexpr{knit_child('child-doc.Rnw', eval =

yihui/knitr documentation built on Jan. 20, 2025, 5:48 a.m.