Man pages for yingboli/BayesMDL
Bayesian MDL for Multiple Changepoint Detection

BayesMDLBayesian MDL for Multiple Changepoint Detection
bcpFit the changepoint detection method to multiple variables
bmdlBayesian MDL (or MDL) for multiple changepoint detection
bmdl.etaCalculate BMDL for a Given Changepoint Model
bmdl.mean.shiftBMDL for Changepoint Detection
bmdl.MHMetropolis-Hastings Algorithms for Stoachstic Model Search
D_etaCreate a design matrix D for a model eta
eta_MH_flipOne MCMC iteration: propose to flip one random component of...
eta_MH_swapOne MCMC iteration: propose to swap a changepoint with a...
fit_etaFit an individual changepoint model 'eta'
harmonic_lmHarmonic regression
last_cpLocation of the last changepoint
loc2diracConvert a Location Vector to a 0-1 Indicator Vector
plot_bar_heatPlot the heatmap and barplot of changepoints among multiple...
plot_bestPlot eta of the MAP or BMA model of a MCMC fit
plot_etaPlot the time series data and the changepoints
plot_resPlot the residual
tuscaloosaMonthly Average Records of Daily Maximum and Minimum...
txtnBMDL for Changepoint Detection, in Tmax / Tmin Joint...
txtn.etaCalculate BMDL for a Given Changepoint Model, in Tmax / Tmin...
txtn.MHMetropolis-Hastings Algorithms for Stoachstic Model Search,...
xi_MH_flipOne MCMC iteration: propose to flip one random component of...
yingboli/BayesMDL documentation built on May 29, 2019, 12:18 p.m.