Man pages for yjunechoe/junebug
A person collection of functions, mostly for interactive use

col_dummyApply explicit dummy coding to a data frame
font_hoistRegister style variants of a font as their own families
ggsave2Save and open plot
ggsave_autoAccumulate multiple versions of a plot in interactive mode
icon_htmlFind a Font Awesome icon in the appropriate html format
junebug_paletteSelects colors from a palette
junebug_palettesComplete list of palettes
latex_queryGenerate a CodeCogs URL that renders LaTeX as image
one_labelAnnotate a single break on an axis with a label
pipePipe operator
raggsave_autoAccumulate multiple versions of a plot in interactive mode
read_ibexParse IBEX results file in Tidy format
sosSearch Stack Overflow (SOS)
split_trackSplit and track trajectory of individual levels of a group
str2Prints structure of an object recursively
theme_junebug_calmggplot2 theme inspired by 'theme_gray()'
theme_junebug_cleanggplot2 theme inspired by 'theme_classic()'
theme_junebug_compactggplot2 theme based on 'theme_junebug_clean()'
tokens_flattenReconstruct utterances from observations of tokens in tidy...
yjunechoe/junebug documentation built on July 9, 2021, 7:12 p.m.