orthogonal_words: Orthogonal word sets

Description Usage Format Details


This is a list of 5 data.frames, with each data.frame representing all possible word sets of a given length - with the constraint that each set of words must contain the 'n' most common letters in the wordle dictionary.




An object of class list of length 5.


The first data.frame contains only words made up of the 5 most common letters c("s", "e", "a", "o", "r")

The second data.frame contains two words per row. Those two words must contain the first 10 most common letters in the wordle dictionary. i.e. c("s", "e", "a", "o", "r", "i", "l", "t", "n", "u")

The third data.frame contains three words per row. Those three words must contain the first 15 most common letters in the wordle dictionary. i.e. c("s", "e", "a", "o", "r", "i", "l", "t", "n", "u", "d", "y", "c", "p", "m")

The fourth data.frame contains four words per row. Those three words must contain the first 20 most common letters in the wordle dictionary. i.e. c("s", "e", "a", "o", "r", "i", "l", "t", "n", "u", "d", "y", "c", "p", "m", "h", "g", "b", "k", "f")

The fifth data.frame contains five words per row. These five words consist of 25 distinct letters (no repeats).

ylmazkanat/world.github.io documentation built on Jan. 24, 2022, 12:07 a.m.