Man pages for ymd526442121/Rproject_shiny
Web Application Framework for R

absolutePanelPanel with absolute positioning
actionButtonAction button/link
addResourcePathResource Publishing
bootstrapLibBootstrap libraries
bootstrapPageCreate a Bootstrap page
brushedPointsFind rows of data that are selected by a brush
brushOptsCreate an object representing brushing options
builderHTML Builder Functions
callModuleInvoke a Shiny module
cancelOutputCancel processing of the current output
checkboxGroupInputCheckbox Group Input Control
checkboxInputCheckbox Input Control
clickOptsCreate an object representing click options
columnCreate a column within a UI definition
conditionalPanelConditional Panel
createWebDependencyCreate a web dependency
dateInputCreate date input
dateRangeInputCreate date range input
dblclickOptsCreate an object representing double-click options
domainsReactive domains
downloadButtonCreate a download button or link
downloadHandlerFile Downloads
exprToFunctionConvert an expression to a function
fileInputFile Upload Control
fillPageCreate a page that fills the window
fillRowFlex Box-based row/column layouts
fixedPageCreate a page with a fixed layout
flowLayoutFlow layout
fluidPageCreate a page with fluid layout
headerPanelCreate a header panel
helpTextCreate a help text element
hoverOptsCreate an object representing hover options
HTMLMark Characters as HTML
htmlOutputCreate an HTML output element
htmlTemplateProcess an HTML template
iconCreate an icon
includeInclude Content From a File
inputPanelInput panel
insertUIInsert UI objects
installExprFunctionInstall an expression as a function
invalidateLaterScheduled Invalidation
isolateCreate a non-reactive scope for an expression
is.reactivevaluesChecks whether an object is a reactivevalues object
knitr_methodsKnitr S3 methods
knitr_methods_htmltoolsKnitr S3 methods
mainPanelCreate a main panel
makeReactiveBindingMake a reactive variable
markRenderFunctionMark a function as a render function
maskReactiveContextEvaluate an expression without a reactive context
modalButtonCreate a button for a modal dialog
modalDialogCreate a modal dialog UI
navbarPageCreate a page with a top level navigation bar
navlistPanelCreate a navigation list panel
nearPointsFind rows of data that are near a click/hover/double-click
NSNamespaced IDs for inputs/outputs
numericInputCreate a numeric input control
observeCreate a reactive observer
observeEventEvent handler
outputOptionsSet options for an output object.
pageWithSidebarCreate a page with a sidebar
parseQueryStringParse a GET query string from a URL
passwordInputCreate a password input control
plotOutputCreate an plot or image output element
plotPNGRun a plotting function and save the output as a PNG
ProgressReporting progress (object-oriented API)
radioButtonsCreate radio buttons
reactiveCreate a reactive expression
reactiveFileReaderReactive file reader
reactivePlotPlot output (deprecated)
reactivePollReactive polling
reactivePrintPrint output (deprecated)
reactiveTableTable output (deprecated)
reactiveTextText output (deprecated)
reactiveUIUI output (deprecated)
reactiveValuesCreate an object for storing reactive values
reactiveValuesToListConvert a reactivevalues object to a list
registerInputHandlerRegister an Input Handler
removeInputHandlerDeregister an Input Handler
removeUIRemove UI objects
renderDataTableTable output with the JavaScript library DataTables
renderImageImage file output
renderPlotPlot Output
renderPrintPrintable Output
renderTableTable Output
renderTextText Output
renderUIUI Output
repeatableMake a random number generator repeatable
reqCheck for required values
runAppRun Shiny Application
runExampleRun Shiny Example Applications
runGadgetRun a gadget
runUrlRun a Shiny application from a URL
safeErrorDeclare an error safe for the user to see
selectInputCreate a select list input control
serverInfoCollect information about the Shiny Server environment
sessionSession object
shinyAppCreate a Shiny app object
shinyDeprecatedPrint message for deprecated functions in Shiny
shiny-optionsGlobal options for Shiny
shiny-packageWeb Application Framework for R
shinyServerDefine Server Functionality
shinyUICreate a Shiny UI handler
showModalShow or remove a modal dialog
showNotificationShow or remove a notification
showReactLogReactive Log Visualizer
sidebarLayoutLayout a sidebar and main area
sidebarPanelCreate a sidebar panel
singletonInclude content only once
sliderInputSlider Input Widget
splitLayoutSplit layout
stacktraceStack trace manipulation functions
stopAppStop the currently running Shiny app
submitButtonCreate a submit button
suppressDependenciesSuppress web dependencies
tableOutputCreate a table output element
tabPanelCreate a tab panel
tabsetPanelCreate a tabset panel
tagHTML Tag Object
textInputCreate a text input control
textOutputCreate a text output element
titlePanelCreate a panel containing an application title.
updateActionButtonChange the label or icon of an action button on the client
updateCheckboxGroupInputChange the value of a checkbox group input on the client
updateCheckboxInputChange the value of a checkbox input on the client
updateDateInputChange the value of a date input on the client
updateDateRangeInputChange the start and end values of a date range input on the...
updateNumericInputChange the value of a number input on the client
updateRadioButtonsChange the value of a radio input on the client
updateSelectInputChange the value of a select input on the client
updateSliderInputChange the value of a slider input on the client
updateTabsetPanelChange the selected tab on the client
updateTextInputChange the value of a text input on the client
validateValidate input values and other conditions
validateCssUnitValidate proper CSS formatting of a unit
verbatimTextOutputCreate a verbatim text output element
verticalLayoutLay out UI elements vertically
viewerViewer options
wellPanelCreate a well panel
withMathJaxLoad the MathJax library and typeset math expressions
withProgressReporting progress (functional API)
withTagsEvaluate an expression using 'tags'
ymd526442121/Rproject_shiny documentation built on May 4, 2019, 5:31 p.m.