

#' Streaming Regression with R
#' Reads rows of CSV-valued data from a file connection (e.g. standard in) and runs
#' repeated updates to the solution of a linear model.
#' Intended to be used for very large scale data analysis using standard-in streaming.
#' Utilizes biglm's update function to update a solution based on chunked rows of CSV input data. 
#' @param model the linear model
#' @param file the file connection. For example, a standard input connection or a file connection
#' @param number_of_rows_per_update the number or rows to read before running an update to the solution
#' @param column_classes the class types for each column of the comma-separated-value rows read from the connection
#' @param column_names the names of the columns to read. For example, one or more of the variables in the model.
#' @examples
#' # Run streaming regression on two rows of data. Result should be y = 0 + 0.5 * x1
#' con <- pipe(description="echo '1,2\n2,4'") 
#' open(con)
#' solution <- StreamingLm(model=y~x1, file=con, number_of_rows_per_update=2, column_classes=rep('integer',2),column_names=c('y','x1'))
#' coef(solution) # y = 0 + 0.5 * x1
#' # Run streaming regression on the standard lm example
#' ## Annette Dobson (1990) "An Introduction to Generalized Linear Models".
#' ## Page 9: Plant Weight Data.
#' csv_data <- '4.17,1\n5.58,1\n5.18,1\n6.11,1\n4.5,1\n4.61,1\n5.17,1\n4.53,1\n5.33,1\n5.14,1\n4.81,2\n4.17,2\n4.41,2\n3.59,2\n5.87,2\n3.83,2\n6.03,2\n4.89,2\n4.32,2\n4.69,2'
#' con = pipe(description=sprintf('echo %s', csv_data))
#' open(con)
#' solution <- StreamingLm(model=weight~group, file=con, number_of_rows_per_update=2, column_classes=rep('numeric',2),column_names=c('weight','group'))
#' # Trees example used in the biglm examples
#' data(trees)
#' trees_csv <- capture.output(write.csv(trees, row.names=FALSE))[-1]
#' command <- sprintf('echo "%s"', paste(trees_csv, collapse='\n'))
#' con = pipe(description=command)
#' model <- log(Volume) ~ log(Girth) + log(Height)
#' open(con)
#' solution <- StreamingLm(model=model, file=con, number_of_rows_per_update=5, column_classes=rep('numeric',3),column_names=c('Girth','Height','Volume'))
#' summary(solution)
#' @export
StreamingLm <- function (
  ) {

  solution <- NULL

  while (TRUE) {

    # Get the next rows of data
    chunk <- read.csv(file=file, nrows=number_of_rows_per_update, head=FALSE, colClasses=column_classes, col.names=column_names)

    # We're done when there are no more rows
    if(nrow(chunk) == 0) break

    if(is.null(solution)) # First loop only
      solution <- biglm(formula=model, data=chunk)
    else # Subsqeuent loops
      solution <- update(object=solution, moredata=chunk)



yoni/streaming_regression_with_r documentation built on May 4, 2019, 5:32 p.m.