Man pages for yonicd/covrpage
Create a Readme Summary Page for GitHub testthat and covr Outputs

coverage_skipRun covr with failing tests
covr_logQuery 'git log' for code coverage history
covrpageRender covrpage
covrpage_cicovrpage for travis
covrpage_logQuery 'git log' for covrpage history
covrpage_snapshotRun covrpage on a GitHub Repository
covr_summarySummary outputs for covr object
make_badgeCreate covrpage Badge
map_testMap the hierarchy structure of a testthat test file
map_testthatMap the hierarchy structure of testthat directory
map_testthat_snapshotRun map_testthat on a GitHub Repository
package_namepackage name
tencryptEncrypt Travis environment variables
testthat_summarySummary outputs for testthat object
use_covrpageAdd covrpage to Travis CI for a git directory
use_covrpage_vignetteCreate a vignette for covrpage
yonicd/covrpage documentation built on Feb. 23, 2023, 6:58 p.m.