  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>"

To connect to a Slack workspace using add_team_interactive() or add_team_code(), you need a Slack App. The Slack App must be installed on the Slack workspace. There are two options for this Slack App:

  1. The built-in Slack App for this package, slackteams.
  2. Your own custom Slack App.

Below we detail how and why you might want to utilize each option.

Built-in slackteams App {#builtin}

By default, add_team_interactive() uses the built-in app. When you call that function, if the slackteams App is not already installed on your workspace, Slack will prompt you to install it, or to ask your workspace administrator to do so.

Note that you may wish to carefully refine the scopes requested by the App to minimize what the App can do. It may be valuable to explore the Slack API methods that you wish to use and/or the documentation of the {slackverse} functions you plan to use to determine a subset of scopes to request. While the App only has access to information that you have permission to view (as the user who authorized it), your workspace administrator will likely appreciate it if you minimize the things the App is approved to do. If you need more scopes in the future, the App will have to be approved again.

The App requires these scopes, at a minimum (requested by default): "users:read", "channels:read", "groups:read", "im:read", and "mpim:read". To request additional scopes, use add_team_interactive(scopes = c(<your-scopes>)). A useful set is available via add_team_interactive(scopes = load_scopes(which = "slackverse")).

Your own custom Slack App {#custom}

For some purposes, you may wish to create your own Slack App.

  1. If you wish to use {slackteams} for authentication on a website, you will need to configure custom Redirect URLs.
  2. Your workspace administrator may wish to use a private App for security. While you need to authenticate yourself to use the App, it might be more convenient to have full control over the App distribution.

The Slack App creation process is relatively straightforward, but it can be daunting the first time you do so. Here we will walk through the necessary steps.

Create the App

To create the Slack App, visit the Slack API App Page. Choose "Create New App". The easiest way to create an app is to use the "From an app manifest" option. We can help you build this manifest.

my_app <- create_custom_app(
  app_name = "myCoolApp",
  redirect_urls = c(

In addition to printing the manifest to the console, create_custom_app() invisibly returns the app manifest as an R object. If you would like, you can further edit this manifest, and then print it using custom_app_yaml().

my_app$`_metadata`$minor_version <- 1L

Copy and paste that manifest into the "Enter app manifest below" step (step 2 of 3) of the app creation dialog (on the YAML tab).

Follow the dialogs to install it onto your workspace, and then copy the Client ID and Client Secret.

Use the App

Functions in {slackteams} that use a Slack App (add_team_interactive(), add_team_code(), and auth_url()) consult two environment variables to decide which Slack App to use: SLACK_CLIENT_ID and SLACK_CLIENT_SECRET. If these variable are set, the functions will use the specified Slack App. Otherwise, the functions use the built-in Slack App.

We recommend setting these variables in your .Renviron file.

yonicd/slackteams documentation built on March 13, 2023, 6:26 a.m.