DDMarker-package: DDMarker

Description Details Author(s) References See Also


Diagnose and Detect Markers in Extracellular Circulating is a homo sapiens deductive system solving the markers in extracellular circulating. It entails the symbols of markers, like the genes, the proteins, the micro RNAs, and the isoforms, whether can be diagnose and detect in extracellular circulating, especially the blood serum and the urine for the biological and medicine significance. With the help of a homo sapiens annotation database in DDMarkerData package, DDMarker can even diagnose and detect the sequence among the genes, the proteins, the micro RNAs, and the isoforms. There are two main function in this package, the ddmarker, and the DDMarkerMMC, short for Minimal Metabolize Circulation. DDMarkerMMC entails the markers among the minimal metabolize circulation.
The main function of the package are ddmarker() and DDMarkerMMC(). The more details you can find in DDMarker-method and MMC-method


Package: DDMarker
Type: Package
Version: 1.0
Date: 2015-05-27
Depends: R (>= 3.0.3), Rcpp (>= 0.11.3)
LinkingTo: Rcpp
License: GPL (>= 2)
LazyLoad: yes
LazyData: true


Yu Shang (JLU & UGA) yushang@uga.edu
Qiong Yu (JLU & UGA) yuqiong@uga.edu
Huansheng Cao (UGA) hshcao@uga.edu
Guoqing Liu (IMUST & UGA) gqliu@uga.edu
Wei Du (JLU & UGA) weidu@uga.edu
Yan Wang (JLU & UGA) wy6868@hotmail.com
Hao Wu (BIT & UGA) wuhao@uga.edu
Jingyu Yang (GSUT & UGA) jyyyjy@uga.edu
Xiufeng Liu (GZUCM & UGA) xfliu@uga.edu
Yuan Guo (SAHCQMU & UGA) yuanguo@uga.edu
Ying Xu (JLU & UGA) xyn@bmb.uga.edu

Maintainer: Yu Shang (JLU & UGA) yushang@uga.edu


[1] Yan Wang, et al. (2009) DMarker: A Bio-Marker Inference System for Human Diseases based on Microarray Gene Expression Data 2009
[2] Juan Cui, et al. (2008) Computational prediction of human proteins that can be secreted into the bloodstream BIOINFORMATICS, Vol.24 no. 20 2008 pages 2370-2375
[3] Jiaxin Wang, et al. (2013) Computational Prediction of Human Salivary Proteins from Blood Circulation and Application to Diagnostic Biomarker Identification PLoS ONE, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0080211, 2013
[4] S Hong, et al. (2011) A Computational Method for Prediction of Excretory Proteins and Application to Identification of cancer markers in urine and application to gastric cancer PLoS ONE,6(2):e16875, 2011
[5] http://bioinfosrv1.bmb.uga.edu/DMarker/

See Also

DDMarker-method MMC-method EC demo

yu-shang/DDMarker documentation built on May 4, 2019, 5:34 p.m.