Man pages for yuanwei/my
R tools for quant research

charts.performanceSummaryPerformance Analysis
dtaCompresscompress data feed into synchronous data
getOptionsload option tick data from string-format txt file
loadBarload original data and reshape into time-bar
loadStrread string data from target dir and parse the string...
logParserlog parser
myImagePlotimage plot with matrix
OHLC.plotplot american candlestick chart
optCompresscompress tick option data
playanimation play
saveTickcopy tick data from MY share to specified local dir
Tick2barByextract volume-wise bar from tick data
Tick2bar.timeextract clock-wise bar from tick data
Tick2bar.volextract volume-wise bar from tick data
trdSummaryByVoltransform format of trades log
trdSummaryShowtrace trades and signals
trdSummaryShow.zoomplotexample zoomplot of trdSummary
updateNightTickupdate local data files(night market)
updateTickupdate local data files
zoomzoom in the details of plot
zoom.myplotexample sub-function of zoom
yuanwei/my documentation built on May 4, 2019, 6:35 p.m.