
#' Read items from a xlsx/xls file or a google sheet file
#' @param lp_obj the lp object contains testInf and xlsx file for items
#' @param input_obj the item/pool object
#' @return a lp object
#' @export

read_pool <- function (lp_obj, input_obj = NULL) {

  if (!is.null(input_obj)) {

    # read in pool information directly from a input_obj

    if (!is_tibble(input_obj)) input_obj = as_tibble(input_obj)
    ip = input_obj

  } else {

    file  = lp_obj$files$pool_file$file

    sheet = lp_obj$files$pool_file$sheet

    if (is.null(sheet)) sheet = 1

    if (!is.character(file))
      stop("No file is specified for the constraint")


    if (is.xlsx.file(file)) {

        if (!file.exists(file))
            stop("Cannot find the file for the constraint")

        # read in pool

        ip = readxl::read_excel(file)

    } else { # google sheets

        ip = read_gs (gs_file = file, sh = "item")[[1]]


  # check ip's column names against the alias

  alias = lp_obj$alias
  # print(alias)

  w = which(!(unlist(alias) %in% names(ip)))

  if (length(w) > 0) {

    message("These alias names in the alias table are not in the pool.\n")



    stop ("Some alias names in the alias table cannot be found in the pool.")


  # basic checking for item ids

  itemIds = ip[[alias$item]]

  w = which(duplicated(itemIds))

  if (length(w) > 0) {

    message("The following item IDs are duplicated:\n")


    stop("Item IDs must be unique")

  if (any(is.na(itemIds))) {

    stop("Item IDs must not be empty")


  lp_obj$items = ip


yuehmeir2/myFormAssembler documentation built on June 9, 2021, 3:42 a.m.