
#' Gabriel Multiple Comparison Test and Plot the Confidence Interval on Barplot
#' Functions for conducting and plotting Gabriel's (1978) multiple comparison
#' test accounting for unequal variance and unequal sample sizes.
#' This package
#' was created to analyze multi-level one-way experimental designs. It is
#' designed to handle vectorized observation and factor data where there are
#' unequal sample sizes and population variance homogeneity can not be
#' assumed.To conduct the Gabriel test, create two vectors: one for your
#' observations and one for the factor level of each observation. The function,
#' rgabriel, conduct the test and save the output as a vector to input into the
#' gabriel.plot function, which produces a confidence interval plot for
#' Multiple Comparison.
#' @name rgabriel-package
#' @docType package
#' @note More details on the simulation of studentized maximum modulus's
#' distribution from http://cos.name/cn/topic/142002.
#' @author
#' Yihui XIE <\url{https://yihui.org/}>
#' Miao YU <\url{https://yufree.cn/}>
#' @seealso \code{\link{rgabriel}}, \code{\link{gabriel.plot}}
#' @references Gabriel, K.R., 1978. A Simple Method of Multiple Comparisons of
#' Means. Journal of the American Statistical Association 73, 724.
#' Stoline, M.R., Ury, H.K., 1979. Tables of the Studentized Maximum Modulus
#' Distribution and an Application to Multiple Comparisons among Means.
#' Technometrics 21, 87.
#' @keywords Gabriel
#' @examples
#' # equal numbers
#' g <- c(1:50)
#' f <- c(rep(1,10),rep(2,10),rep(3,10),rep(4,10),rep(5,10))
#' gabriel.plot(g,f,rgabriel(g,f))
#' # unequal numbers
#' g <- c(1:40)
#' f <- c(rep(1,3),rep(2,12),rep(3,15),rep(4,5),rep(5,5))
#' gabriel.plot(g,f,rgabriel(g,f))
yufree/rgabriel documentation built on May 11, 2022, 11:46 p.m.