rgamer 0.0.28

rgamer 0.0.27

rgamer 0.0.26

rgamer 0.0.25

rgamer 0.0.24

rgamer 0.0.23

rgamer 0.0.22

rgamer 0.0.21

rgamer 0.0.20

rgamer 0.0.19

New Features


rgamer 0.0.18


rgamer 0.0.17

New Features


rgamer 0.0.16

New Features


rgamer 0.0.15

New Features

rgamer 0.0.14

New Features

Bug Fix

rgamer 0.0.13

New Functions

Bug Fix

rgamer 0.0.12

New Functions

rgamer 0.0.11

New Functions


rgamer 0.0.10

Changes in normal-form and extensive-form games

rgamer 0.0.9

New functions

Changes in extensive-form games

rgamer 0.0.8

Changes in extensive-form games

New functions

rgamer 0.0.7

Making a game tree

Functions for a simple leader-follower game

Functions to define and solve a simple leader-follower sequential game (e.g., Stackelberg competition) have been added.

rgamer 0.0.6

This version contains three new functions: find_dominant() and find_dominated() finds (weakly) dominant and (weakly) dominated strategies, respectively, and eliminate_strategy() eliminates the specific player's specific strategy from a normal-form game. In addition, Some bugs have been fixed.

rgamer 0.0.5

A function to simulate plays expected in a normal-form game is added.

rgamer 0.0.4

This version adds options to (1) discretized strategies with continuous payoff functions (see Example 5 in README) and (2) draw a bidirectional game tree for an extensive-form game Some minor bugs have been fixed. Now users can choose a color palette for ggplot2 figures.

rgamer 0.0.3

Two bugs have been fixed. First, the bug that incorrectly finds a NE, which should not exist, has been fixed. Second, a discrete best response correspondence was displayed as a continuous path in the previous version, but the current versions shows it as discrete.

Now, when you specify payoffs as functions, you can choose if NE should be displayed in the best response plot by mark_NE. After saving the solution to an object, you can retract the best response plot with and without the NE by br_plot_NE and br_plot, respectively,

rgamer 0.0.2

extensive_form() has been added to solve a simple extensive form game. The function draws a game tree, finds a subgame perfect equilibrium, and shows the equilibrium path on the tree.

Now game_table(), which is called by solve_nfg() to display game tables, automatically adjusts the cell size of the table displayed unless cell_width is specified by the user.

In br_plot (the plot of best response correspondences), two players' best responses are drawn by the lines with different width (ggplot's size) so that we can distinguish the two even when they overlap. And a minor bug has been fixed.

The message that warns users that the NE obtained by solve_nfg() might be a part of the solutions and asks them to examine the br_plot.

rgamer 0.0.1

The first, experimental version is out.

yukiyanai/rgamer documentation built on June 14, 2024, 7:38 p.m.