Due to encoding problem, this Rmd cannot be knitted by "Knit" button

library(dplyr, warn.conflicts = FALSE)

Read data

Data from HTML files

html_data <- readr::read_csv(rprojroot::find_package_root_file("inst/extdata/zokusei.csv"))

colnames(html_data) <-(c("identifier", "table_num", "name", "description", "type"))
html_data <- html_data %>%
  # remove rows without types
  filter(!is.na(.data$type)) %>%
  # remove description

Data from Excel file

excel_data <- readr::read_csv(rprojroot::find_package_root_file("inst/extdata/shape_property_table_xls.csv"))

Do some workarounds

N05_005b and N05_005e are crammed into one cell

See https://github.com/yutannihilation/kokudosuuchiUtils/issues/3#issuecomment-327374894

indices_double_code <- html_data$name == "設置期間(設置開始)(N05_005b)設置期間(設置終了)(N05_005e)"
html_data_part_double_code <- html_data[indices_double_code, ] %>%
  mutate(name = stringr::str_split(.data$name, "(?<!^)(?=設置期間)")) %>%

html_data <- bind_rows(html_data[!indices_double_code, ],

Separate codes into name, code and notes

linebreak_pattern <- "\\s*[\\n\\r]+\\s*"
comment_pattern <- "(?<=[\\))])[^\\((]+$"

html_data <- html_data %>%
  # remove unneeded rows
  filter(!is.na(.data$type)) %>% 
  mutate(name = stringr::str_replace_all(.data$name, linebreak_pattern, "")) %>%
  # insert separators
  mutate(name = stringr::str_replace(.data$name,
                                     "([\\((][A-Z][0-9a-z\\-]+[\\*※]?[_\\-][A-Za-z0-9\\-_ 〜]+[\\))])", 
                                     "%NINJA%\\1%NINJA%")) %>%
  # separate by the separators
  tidyr::separate(col = .data$name,
                  into = c("name", "code", "note"),
                  sep = "%NINJA%",
                  fill = "right") %>%
  # clean up codes
  mutate(code = stringr::str_replace_all(code, "[(\\()\\)]", ""),
         note = stringr::str_trim(note),
         note = dplyr::if_else(note == "", NA_character_, note))

Do some workarounds again


(See Extract Attribute Names And Codes)

Tilda represents a sequence of numbers like:


We need to translate this to the corresponding sequence of codes like:


(Be careful: "〜"(\u301c) is not "~" or "~"(\uff5e).)

indices_tilda <- dplyr::coalesce(stringr::str_detect(html_data$code, "〜"), FALSE)

# extract tilda
html_data_part_tilda <- html_data[indices_tilda, ] %>%
  # trim numbers from name
  mutate(name = stringr::str_replace(.data$name, "(?\\d+[\\-〜][\\dn]+)?", "")) %>% 
  # e.g. P16_015~026 -> prefix: P16, begin: 015, end: 026
  tidyr::separate(code, into = c("prefix", "begin", "end"), regex = "_|〜", fill = "right") %>%
  mutate_at(c("begin", "end"), funs(readr::parse_integer)) %>%
  # fill NAs with appropriate end numbers
  mutate(end = dplyr::coalesce(.data$end, 30L)) %>% 
  # expand rows
  mutate(code = purrr::pmap(., function(prefix, begin, end, ...) sprintf("%s_%03d", prefix, seq(begin, end)))) %>%
  tidyr::unnest(.data$code) %>%
  # add sequencial numbers to names (e.g. 備考 -> 備考1, 備考2, ...)
  group_by(identifier) %>%
  mutate(name = paste0(name, row_number())) %>%
  # we don't need prefix, begin and end anymore
html_data <- bind_rows(html_data[!indices_tilda, ],


XX represents prefecture codes. But the codes with this seems only used for layer names, not for property names. So we ignore this here.

html_data <- html_data %>%
  filter(!coalesce(stringr::str_detect(.data$code, "(?<=[^X])XX$"), FALSE))


XXXX represents year and needs special considerations. We ignore this here.

# paste this result on kokudosuuchi
KSJMetadata_code_year_cols <- html_data %>% 
  filter(stringr::str_detect(.data$code, "(?<=[^X])XXXX$")) %>%
      pattern = stringr::str_replace(.$code, "XXXX", "\\(\\\\d{4}\\)"),
      replacement = stringr::str_c(.$name, "\\1年度")
devtools::use_data(KSJMetadata_code_year_cols, overwrite = TRUE)

          overwrite = TRUE)
html_data <- html_data %>%
  filter(!coalesce(stringr::str_detect(.data$code, "(?<=[^X])XXXX$"), FALSE))

Extract * and ※ (A34, A35a, A35b, P22, P23)

* or ※ means:

indices_asterisk <- dplyr::coalesce(stringr::str_detect(html_data$code, "\\*|※"), FALSE)

# see https://github.com/yutannihilation/kokudosuuchiUtils/issues/17#issuecomment-328083456
table_for_asterisk <- bind_rows(
  tibble::tibble(identifier = "A34",  kome = TRUE,  lower_alpha = c("a", "b", "c", "d")),
  tibble::tibble(identifier = "A34",  kome = FALSE, lower_alpha = c("f", "g")),
  tibble::tibble(identifier = "A35a", kome = TRUE,  lower_alpha = c("a", "b")),
  tibble::tibble(identifier = "A35b", kome = TRUE,  lower_alpha = c("d", "e")),
  tibble::tibble(identifier = "P22",  kome = FALSE, lower_alpha = c("a", "b")),
  tibble::tibble(identifier = "P23",  kome = FALSE, lower_alpha = c("a", "b"))

html_data_asterisk <- html_data[indices_asterisk, ] %>%
  mutate(kome = stringr::str_detect(.data$code, "※")) %>% 
  tidyr::separate(code, into = c("prefix", "number"), sep = "\\*|※") %>% 
  inner_join(table_for_asterisk, by = c("identifier", "kome")) %>%
  mutate(code = stringr::str_c(.data$prefix, .data$lower_alpha, .data$number)) %>% 
  select(-prefix, -lower_alpha, -number, -kome)

html_data <- bind_rows(html_data[!indices_asterisk, ],

Write intermediate data

readr::write_csv(html_data, rprojroot::find_package_root_file("inst/extdata/html_data.csv"))

Do some workaround again and again...


For L05, data from HTML is wrong; they are L01_..., but should be L05_.... Moreovere, L01_007 should be 地区名, not 事業主体名. So remove this from html_data and use data from Excel.

html_data <- html_data %>%
    filter(!.data$identifier %in% c("L05"))


P03, P12

For P03 and P12, data from Excel is wrong; they are P03_XXX (3 digits), but the format in actual data is P03_XXXX (four digits).

excel_data <- excel_data %>%
  filter(!category %in% c("P03", "P12"))


The website does not describe L03-a code per code. Note that, the codes in L03-a are ambiguous and cannot be determined.

html_data <- html_data %>%
    filter(!.data$identifier %in% c("L03-a"))


First, we delete rows without code from html_data. They might be useful for getting codelist urls, but are not needed here.

Before removing the rows, extract texts so that we can join this later.

codelist <- readr::read_csv(rprojroot::find_package_root_file("inst/extdata/codelist.csv")) %>%
  mutate(text = stringr::str_replace_all(text, "\\s", ""))

html_data_text <- select(html_data, identifier, name, text = type) %>%
  filter(.data$text %in% !! codelist$text) %>% 
  distinct(identifier, name, text) %>%
  # These are ambiguous as the translation depends on the year.
  filter(!(.data$identifier == "S05-c" & .data$name %in% c("駅コード", "駅名"))) %>%
  filter(!(.data$identifier == "S05-d" & .data$name %in% c("着ゾーンコード", "発ゾーンコード")))

# confirm theare are no duplicated rows
count(html_data_text, identifier, name, sort = TRUE) %>%
  filter(n > 1)
html_data <- filter(html_data, !is.na(code))

Excel data has some codes that are ambiguous. Add IDs to each column set so that it can be used afterwards.

excel_data <- excel_data %>%
  group_by(category) %>%
  mutate(item_id = cumsum(coalesce(item != lag(item), FALSE))) %>%
  ungroup() %>%
  select(identifier = category, item_id, tag, code, name)

Now it's time to join.

merged_data_from_html <- html_data %>%
  left_join(excel_data, by = c("identifier", "name", "code")) %>%
  select(identifier, name, item_id, tag, code, text = type)

merged_data_from_excel <- excel_data %>%
  filter(!.data$code %in% !! unique(merged_data_from_html$code)) %>% 
  select(identifier, name, item_id, tag, code) %>%
  # try to merge texts
  left_join(html_data_text, by = c("identifier", "name"))

merged_data <- bind_rows(
  html  = merged_data_from_html,
  excel = merged_data_from_excel,
  .id = "source"
) %>%
  arrange(identifier, item_id, code)

Note that merged_data has more identifiers than data available from API. We may filter unavailable data.


Join codelist

merged_data_w_codelist <- merged_data %>% 
  left_join(codelist, by = c("identifier", "text")) %>%
  select(source, identifier, name, item_id, tag, code, correspondence_table = url_basename)

Join enums

If data is included in codelist

merged_data_w_enum <- merged_data_w_codelist %>%
  mutate(correspondence_table = if_else(.data$code %in% names(enum_codes_all), .data$code, .data$correspondence_table))

Join codelist manually

merged_data_manually <- merged_data_w_enum %>%
  mutate(correspondence_table = case_when(
    .data$code == "L05_003" ~ "AdminAreaCd.html",
    .data$code == "L05_013" ~ "useDistrict.html",
    TRUE ~ .data$correspondence_table))

Join source URLs

identifier_to_url <- setNames(KSJMetadata_description_url$url, KSJMetadata_description_url$identifier)

KSJMetadata_code <- merged_data_manually %>%
  mutate(source = if_else(.data$source == "html",


Currently, kokudosuuchi's code assumes that different item_ids have different numbers of colnames. L03-a is my headache.

KSJMetadata_code %>%
  group_by(identifier) %>%
  filter(any(duplicated(code))) %>%
  count(identifier, item_id) %>%

Write data

devtools::use_data(KSJMetadata_code, overwrite = TRUE)
readr::write_csv(KSJMetadata_code, rprojroot::find_package_root_file("inst/extdata/KSJMetadata_code.csv"))
          overwrite = TRUE)

yutannihilation/kokudosuuchiUtils documentation built on May 6, 2019, 5:04 p.m.