color_by_gender: Visualizing professor ages by gender

Description Usage Value See Also Examples

View source: R/color_by_gender.R


This function creates a colored scatter plot with each color representing a different gender. The index represents the order of the professors in the original data, since the original data is in alphabetical order, the index gives a sense of which letter the professor's last name starts with. A legend is included indicating which color represents which gender and the oldest and youngest professors are pointed out.




a colored scatter plot of Williams faculty ages by gender

See Also

plot_age for histogram of all ages, plot_by_dpmt for boxplots and histograms by department, plot_by_gender for boxplots and histograms by gender, and color_by_dpmt for colored scatter plot by department

Other plotting.functions: color_by_dpmt, plot_age, plot_by_dpmt, plot_by_gender



yz4/WilliamsFaculty documentation built on May 4, 2019, 8:47 p.m.