I recently have been running into an issue while developing the package taxa. I am getting an error during tests, but not when running the same code from the console. After many failed efforts and much sorrow, I created a simple package called bugtest to function as a reprex and discovered some very strange behavior regarding devtools::test(). This issue report is the output of an Rmd file in the package source here:


func_b should look for data named func_a, which also happens to be the name of an exported function for the package, but is not the desired target for NSE. Here is the code for func_b:

function(x) {
  my_data <- list("func_a" = letters[1:10])
  lazyeval::lazy_eval(lazyeval::lazy(x), data = my_data)
<environment: namespace:bugtest>

And here is func_a:

function() {
<environment: namespace:bugtest>

This seems to work as desired, and detect the func_a data in the my_data list given to the data option of lazyeval instead of the function func_a.

##  [1] "a" "b" "c" "d" "e" "f" "g" "h" "i" "j"

However, it fails during testing, where the exact same code is run:

## Loading bugtest

## Loading required package: testthat

## Testing bugtest

## error testing: function() {
##   1:10
## }
## <environment: namespace:bugtest>
## DONE ======================================================================

Here is the contents of the test file:

context("error testing")

test_that("can reproduce bug", {

The real weirdness is that after running the tests, running the same code again from the console causes the same bug as when it was run in the tests:

## function() {
##   1:10
## }
## <environment: namespace:bugtest>

Therefore, running devtools::test() from the console is somehow altering the global environment or in some other way changing how NSE is working.

zachary-foster/bugtest documentation built on May 8, 2019, 11:19 p.m.