
Defines functions interactivetree


#' interactivetree
#' interactive phlogenetic tree that returns a phylogenetic tree as an htmlwidget
#' @import leaflet
#' @import dplyr
#' @import phyloseq
#' @param  physeq a phyloseg object
#' @param ladderize boolean. ladderize or not
#' @param aspectratio control the dimensions of the tree
#' @param linecolor color lines
#' @param lineweight
#' @param lineopacity
#' @param size size of circles
#' @param abundancescale a sclae for circle size
#' @param method
interactivetree <- function(physeq,
                            linecolor= "black",
                            lineweight = 2,
                            lineopacity = 1,
                            #circle options
                            size = 10,
                            color = "blue",
                            stroke = TRUE,
                            fill = TRUE,
                            circlestrokeweight = 3,
                            circlestrokeopacity = 0.5,
                            fillColor = color,
                            fillOpacity = 0.2,
                            palette = "Blues",
                            numerictype = "numeric",

    #get tree layout data
    treeSegs <- phyloseq::tree_layout(physeq, ladderize = ladderize)

    # use the x and y max/min values to find an x and yscle factor to length 1
    # and modify these scale sby the aspect ratio
    x_max <- max(treeSegs$edgeDT$xright)
    y_max <- max(treeSegs$edgeDT$y)
    xscale = 1/x_max
    yscale = 1/y_max
    xscale = xscale*aspectratio

    #' helper function to create a leaflet-compatable two-column matrix of lines
    make_edgematrix <-function(){
        #get the edges
        edges <- treeSegs$edgeDT
        edges <- edges %>% add_rownames()
        start <- edges %>% mutate(lng = xleft*xscale, lat = y*yscale)
        end   <- edges %>% mutate(lng = xright*xscale, lat = y*yscale)
        space <- edges
        space$lng = NA
        space$lat = NA
        edges2 <- rbind(start, end, space) %>%
            arrange(rowname) %>%
            select(lng,lat) %>%
    #' helper function to create a leaflet-compatable two-column matrix of lines
    make_vertexmatrix <- function(){
        #and the vertices
        verts <- treeSegs$vertDT
        verts <- verts %>% add_rownames()
        start <- verts %>% mutate(lng=x*xscale, lat=vmin*yscale)
        end   <- verts %>% mutate(lng=x*xscale, lat=vmax*yscale)
        space <- verts
        space$lng = NA
        space$lat = NA
        verts2 <- rbind(start, end, space) %>%
            arrange(rowname) %>%
            select(lng,lat) %>%

    # get tree edges and vertices and create the basemap
    edges <- make_edgematrix()
    vertices <- make_vertexmatrix()
    m <- leaflet() %>%
        addPolylines(data=edges,    color=linecolor, weight=lineweight, opacity=lineopacity) %>%
        addPolylines(data=vertices, color=linecolor, weight=lineweight, opacity=lineopacity)

    # add the tree tips. tip metadata will come from either the tax_table (method=="tree")
    # or from the taxtable + sampel_data (method=="sampledodege"). in the latter case,
    # there will be multiple points correspondin to each OTU-sample combination
    points <- treeSegs$edgeDT %>%
        data.frame() %>%
        filter(!is.na(OTU)) %>%
        mutate(lng = xright*xscale, lat = y*yscale) %>%

        if (size=="Abundance") stop("Abundance plotting can only be done with the sampledodge method")

        # merge point location with tax_table information and draw the tree
        taxdata <- tax_table(physeq) %>%
            data.frame() %>%
            mutate(OTU = rownames(.))
        pointdata <- merge(points, taxdata, by="OTU") %>%
            mutate(treelat = lat, treelng=lng) %>%

    } else if(method=="sampledodge"){
        warning("This method is not yet implemented")
        points <- points %>%
            mutate(treelat = lat, treelng=lng) %>%
        melted <- phyloseq::psmelt(physeq)
        pointdata <- merge(points,melted, by="OTU")
        pointdata <- pointdata %>% group_by(OTU) %>%
            mutate(rownum = row_number(treelng)) %>%
            mutate(treelng = treelng+(rownum*0.03))

    } else {
        stop("'sampledoge' and 'tree' are the only acceptable method options")

    #check size input
    if (is.numeric(size)){
        pointdata$pointsize <- size*100
    } else if (size == "Abundance"){
        pointdata$pointsize <- pointdata$Abundance * abundancescale
    } else {
        stop("Invalid size option: numeric value or 'Abundance")

    # check color varaialbe and add a color column to the points df
    if(!color %in% names(pointdata)){
        pointdata$color <- color
            colorfn <- leaflet::colorFactor(palette = palette,
                                           domain = pointdata[[color]])
            pointdata$color <- colorfn(pointdata[[color]])
        }else if(is.numeric(pointdata[[color]]) & numerictype=="numeric"){
            colorfn <- leaflet::colorNumeric(palette = palette,
                                           domain = pointdata[[color]])
            pointdata$color <- colorfn(pointdata[[color]])
        }else if(is.numeric(pointdata[[color]]) & numerictype=="bin"){
            colorfn <- leaflet::colorBin(palette = palette,
                                        domain = pointdata[[color]])
            pointdata$color <- colorfn(pointdata[[color]])
        }else if(is.numeric(pointdata[[color]]) & numerictype=="quantile"){
            colorfn <- leaflet::colorQuantile(palette = palette,
                                             domain = pointdata[[color]])
            pointdata$color <- colorfn(pointdata[[color]])

    #set fillcolor
    if (fillColor == color){
        pointdata$fillcolor <- pointdata$color
    } else {
        pointdata$fillcolor <- fillColor

    #add points to the map
    m <- m %>% addCircles(data=pointdata,
                          color = ~color,
                          stroke = stroke,
                          fill = fill,
                          weight = circlestrokeweight,
                          opacity = circlestrokeopacity,
                          fillColor = ~fillcolor,
                          fillOpacity = fillOpacity

    #add legend
    if (legend & exists("colorfn")){
        m <- m %>% addLegend(position="bottomright",
                             pal = colorfn,
                             values = pointdata[[color]],
                             opacity = 1)


#interactivetree(epoxamicin_KS, method="sampledodge")
#x = interactivetree(epoxamicin_KS, method="sampledodge", size=3)
#interactivetree(esophagus, method="sampledodge", size=3)
#interactivetree(esophagus, method="sampledodge", size="Abundance")
#interactivetree(epoxamicin_KS,method="sampledodge",size="Abundance", color="FAO")
x <- interactivetree(epoxamicin_KS, color="otu35")
zachcp/phylotreejs documentation built on May 4, 2019, 8:58 p.m.