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A custom shiny input for a Candle stick


This package creates a candle stick input. It allows to use a checkbox with three options instead of just two. The function allows using the switch as it is or fontawesome icons or text.

The main function to insert the input ist:

  id = "fancycheckbox",
  left = c(f = "f182"),
  right = c(m = "f183"),
  default = c(b = "f22d"),
  fa_mode = TRUE,
  candlestick_mode = "contents",
  candlestick_size = "md",
  contents_color = '#fc4c02'

with these settings it creates a switch with female, neutral and male icons. In Contents mode the color of the switch can be changed.

zappingseb/shinycandlestick documentation built on May 24, 2019, 8:53 a.m.