RcppSimpleITK is an R-package using the C++ interface of SimpleITK (using Rcpp) to overcome the slow for loops in R.

Install prerequisites

At the moment only Linux is supported, also OSX should work as well.

If you build SimpleITK as root with CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/local, you can build the package globally and skip passing the args below.

Install RcppSimpleITK

via devtools from within R

Run the following command in R:

install_github("zarquon42b/RcppSimpleITK", args="--configure-args=-DSimpleITK_DIR=path_to_your_SimpleITK_install_dir")

On my machine, the argument would be

via command line

Get the source, either by cloning this repo or downloading the tarball and then issueing in a terminal

R CMD INSTALL --configure-args="-DSimpleITK_DIR=path_to_your_SimpleITK_install_dir" RcppSimpleITK[*.tar.gz]

zarquon42b/RcppSimpleITK documentation built on May 4, 2019, 9:09 p.m.