title: 'Metis 1.0' tags: - sub-region - nexus - water - energy - land authors: - name: Zarrar Khan affiliation: "1" # (Multiple affiliations must be quoted) - name: Thomas Bernard Wild affiliation: "1,2" - name: Chris Vernon affiliation: "1" - name: Mohamad Hejazi affiliation: "1,2" - name: Leon Clarke affiliation: "1,2" - name: Fernando Miralles affiliation: "1,2" affiliations: - name: Joint Global Change Research Institute (JGCRI) - PNNL index: 1 - name: University of Maryland index: 2 date: January 2019



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The Metis model is a joint effort by the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) and the University of Maryland (UMD). The name "Metis" is inspired by the the Greek Goddes of "good counsel, planning, cunning and wisdom". The overall goal of the Metis model is to develop a framework allowing analysis of dynamics across multiple sectors including water, energy, land and socio-economics at various spatial and temporal scales. The Metis model is designed to be a flexible tool to be used in conjunction with both global integrated assessment models (IAMs) which capture global dynamics as well as more detailed models which can capture specific sub-regional and sectoral details at finer resolutions. Metis integrates with these other tools by sharing data in standarized formats across the platforms and stakeholders.

In most projects looking at multi-sector dynamics one of the key constraints is data availability and a key goal of Metis is to overcome this barrier by providing users with default data across sectors for their specific region. This default data comes from GCAM which operates at a relatively aggregated resolution when compared with sub-basins or states. The GCAM data is downscaled to 0.5 degree grids and offers users a first look at the water-energy-land situation in their regions of interest. The idea is to use this as a starting point and then improve the data as and when it becomes available while working with local stakeholders. The advantage of this system is that even without more precise local data the baseline data already permits users to review trends across the WEL nexus for various socio-economic and climate change pathways which will hold even if the underlying absolute data is adjusted.

Metis - A model to bridge the gap between coarse resolution IAMs and finer-resolution sector specific models


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The motivation behind developing the Metis model is to bridge the gap between models working at different spatial and temporal resolutions. Sector specific details such as diurnal electricity demand profiles and the availability of intermittent technologies are often captured by fine resolution sector specific models. These finer scale models are however often limited in scope to the specific sector in question. With increasing pressures on limited resources from growing populations, technological advances and a changing climate the links across human-earth systems are becoming more critical. These links include feedbacks across system such as water demands for powerplant cooling and hydropower; energy demands for water purification, transfers and distribution; both energy and water demands for agriculture production and harvesting; and the impacts of land-use change emissions and water demands as a result of biofuel expansion and deforestation. All of these are driven by socio-economic developments and policy decisions across these systems. Global integrateed assessment models are often used to capture these broader longterm dynamics on larger spatial and temporal scales. The development of the Metis model will address this need to capture both broader long-term dynamcis across systems and global markets as well as sub-regional details. The model will do this by taking global data and dynamcis from an IAM such as GCAM and then downscale the results to relevant sub-regional boundaries based on the needs of local stakeholders. The downscaled data will then be refined and calibrated with local sector specific data. This will be followed by calibration of the local inter-sectoral links and the model will then be used for future sector specific policy analysis at the relevant scales while still including global dynamics.


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Metis is envisioned to be developed in several phases with progressively more detail while maintainging ease-of-use and accesibility to a range of stakeholders with varying expertise and comfort from different sectors. The long-term vision of metis is shown in the figure below. This first version of metis provides the basic tools for stakeholders to visualize and aggregate data up to the relevant area of interest. Version 2 of the model will focus on understanding the links between different sectors and sub-regions to allow analyis of cross-sector dynamics. In version 3 of the model, infrastructure options will be included to allow exploration of various investments options such electricity grid, road and pipeline expansion. Version 1 of the model is composed of three main modules: "GCAM", "Charting" and "Mapping" which serve as a multi-sector accounting tool to visualize and analyze demands, supplies and distribution of various resources across multiple sectors at flexible sub-regional scales. The modules are designed to be flexible and easy to use by multiple stakeholders with varying needs.

Metis Long Term Vision

Metis 1.0 Framework

Installation Guide

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  1. Clone the repo from github:
# Download a git software (eg.
# Clone repo
git clone

# Or download from github 
  1. Download R studio ( and R (

  2. Open the metis.Rproj file.

  3. Open the "metis.master.R"" file which contains code to help install and run remaining model.

  4. Install the necessary R packages including Metis.

# Install necessary packages
if("devtools" %in% rownames(installed.packages()) == F){install.packages("devtools")}
if("metis" %in% rownames(installed.packages()) == F){install_github(repo="zarrarkhan/metis")}
if("rgcam" %in% rownames(installed.packages()) == F){install_github(repo="JGCRI/rgcam")}
if("tibble" %in% rownames(installed.packages()) == F){install.packages("tibble")}
if("dplyr" %in% rownames(installed.packages()) == F){install.packages("dlpyr")}
if("rgdal" %in% rownames(installed.packages()) == F){install.packages("rgdal")}
if("tmap" %in% rownames(installed.packages()) == F){install.packages("tmap")}
  1. Download the relevant shapefiles ( from Open Science Framework (OSF) at Save and unzip the file in ./metis/datafiles/gis.

  2. After downloading and unzipping you should have the following folder structure with the following sub-folders in ./metis/datafiles:

  3. examples: Contains example shapefiles, as well as gridded and polygon data to work with
  4. gcam: Contains an example gcam run output
  5. gis: This is the unzipped osf folder ( and contains other shape files including sub-basins, gcam regions, gcam basins, naturalEarth boundaries and other country specific boundaries.
  6. mapping: This contains two files which are used to map color palettes and other parameters not provided by stakeholder tables.

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Metis Initial Folders

Metis 1.0 Step-by-step Walkthrough

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This section walks through the different features of the metis package using the example data provided in order to familiarize the user with the different functions. All metis R functions are stored in ./metis/R. In Metis version 1.0.0 the following functions are available:

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Metis Functions

The workflow for data processing, charting and mapping is shown below. The following subsections will guide the user through each of these processes further expaning on the functionality within each of the functions.

Metis chart and mapping processes


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Key Inputs

The model comes with an example gcamdatabase ".proj" file called "Example_dataProj.proj" which lies in the folder metis/dataFiles/gcam/ as shown in the figure below. It is recommended that other gcamdatabases are also kept in this folder. GCAM produces an output in the form of a database. The database contains outputs from various scenario runs. "metis.readgcam" uses another package "rgcam" to connects with the gcam database and retrieves data based on "queries" provided in an ".xml" file. Often scenario names in the model can be long and not appropriate for final figures. This function allows you to rename the scenarios as they are read in. Once the data has been extracted from a gcam database it is saved in a ".proj" file. Reading data from the gcam database can take a considerable amount of time depending on the number of scenarios it contains. The "metis.readgcam" function gives the option of directly providing a ".proj" which can be loaded directly or using the ".proj" file from a previous run by setting the parameter "reReadData" to FALSE. If "reReadData" is set to FALSE the function will first search for a user provided ".proj" file (which is entered in the param "dataProj"), then in the "inputs/gcam" folder and if it doesn't exist will give an error message. If "reReadData" is set to TRUE then the function will create a file called "dataProj.proj" in the same folder as the GCAM database. The code below shows how to read in data using the database or .proj file. The user can choose the regions of interest.

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GCAM data

# Read GCAM Data

gcamdatabasePath <-paste(getwd(),"/dataFiles/gcam",sep="")
gcamdatabaseName <-"example_database_basexdb"
gcamdataProjFile <-"Example_dataProj.proj"
regionsSelect <- c("Colombia","Argentina")
# Choose Parameters or set to "All" for all params. For complete list see ?metis.readgcam
paramsSelect=c("finalNrgbySec", "primNrgConsumByFuel", "elecByTech",
               "watConsumBySec", "watWithdrawBySec","gdp", "gdpGrowthRate", "pop",
               "agProdByCrop", "aggLandAlloc","co2emissionByEndUse")

# Use function localDBConn from package rgcam to get a list of scenarios if needed.
# localDBConn(gcamdatabasePath,gcamdatabaseName)
# dataProjLoaded <- loadProject(paste(gcamdatabasePath, "/", dataProj, sep = ""))
#  listScenarios(dataProjLoaded)  # List of Scenarios in GCAM database
# queries <- listQueries(dataProjLoaded)  # List of Queries in queryxml

dataGCAM<-metis.readgcam(reReadData=F, # Default Value is T
                       dataProj=gcamdataProjFile, # Default Value is "dataProj.proj"
                       queryxml="metisQueries.xml",  # Default Value is "metisQueries.xml"
                       dirOutputs= paste(getwd(),"/outputs",sep=""), # Default Value is paste(getwd(),"/outputs",sep="")
                       regionsSelect=regionsSelect, # Default Value is NULL
                       paramsSelect=paramsSelect, # Default value is "All"
                       queriesSelect="All" # Default is "All"

dataGCAM$data # To view the data read that was read.

The function metis.readgcam() returns a list which contains a dataframe with the values it read from the database. In this case it is saved in the variable dataGCAM. The function also creates a new folder "outputs" and stores GCAM data tables in this folder. The function will save the data as a .csv file for each region and one .csv for all regions. Tables with "aggClass" aggregate data across classes to provided sector summaries. In addition the function will produce an empty template data table for each region to be shared with local stakeholders so they can fill in their data. If not specified then all these tables will by default go to a folder called ./metis/outputs/readGCAMTables as shown in the figure below. Once the empty template tables are filled with appropriate local data these can be saved in the folder outputs/Tables/Tables_Local.

GCAM data tables


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Key Inputs

After running metis.chartsProcess several charts will be produced. These will be saved in separate folders for each region and then within each there will be a folder for each scenario as well as a folder for cross-scenario comparisons. The folder paths are shown in the figure below. In addition to the individual regional folders a folder called compareRegions will contain inter-regional comparisons for each scenario as well as a cross-region/cross-scenario comparison. Tables with the data used for each figure will also be provided in ./metis/outputs/Charts.

metis.chartsProcess Example Outputs

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metis.chartsProcess Output folders

# Produce Data Charts

# Read in Tables (If exist)
# To test can create a copy of the template in ./readGCAMTables/Tables_Templates/template_Regional_Argentina.csv
# in ./readGCAMTables/Tables_Local/ and rename the file something like "local_Regional_Argentina.csv.
# dataTables<-c(paste(getwd(),"/outputs/readGCAMTables/Tables_Local/local_Regional_Argentina.csv",sep=""))  # Need to create this before loading

# Read in the data from the function metis.readgcam
rTable <- dataGCAM$data;

# Choose Parameters or set to "All" for all params. For complete list see ?metis.chartsProcess


charts<-metis.chartsProcess(rTable=rTable, # Default is NULL
                          #dataTables=dataTables, # Default is NULL
                          paramsSelect=paramsSelect, # Default is "All"
                          regionsSelect=regionsSelect, # Default is "All"
                          xCompare=c("2015","2035","2050","2100"), # Default is c("2015","2030","2050","2100")
                          scenRef="Eg1", # Default is NULL
                          dirOutputs=paste(getwd(),"/outputs",sep=""), # Default is paste(getwd(),"/outputs",sep="")
                          pdfpng="png", # Default is "png"
                          regionCompareOnly=0 # Default is "0"


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Key Inputs

metis.boundaries is used to create maps showing where the sub-region lies in the greater region. For this option a boundary region should be defined. NaturalEarth boundary region files have been made available throught the osf repository Once metis.boundaries has been run a folder for "Maps" is created. The Maps folder will contain a "Boundary" folder which contains the boundary files defining each region and subregion. The function also shows how different grid cells sizes compare with the selected regions. This is useful to understand if the desired regional resolution is too fine for a particular grid size. The folder structure and example output boundary maps are shown in the figures that follow.

metis.boundaries Outputs and Example Charts

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# Boundaries

# Example Shape File
head(bermejo3Cropped@data),fillColumn = "SUB_NAME",labels=T ,printFig=F,facetsON=F)

bermejoBoundaries<- metis.boundaries(
                            extension = T,
                            grids = c(paste(getwd(),"/dataFiles/grids/emptyGrids/grid_025.csv",sep=""),


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Key Inputs

metis.grid2poly is used to aggregate gridded data to given sub-regional spatial scales. Depending on the type of gridded data (volume or depth) the aggregation is done based on the part of the polygon which intersect with the grid cells as shown in the figure below.

metis.grid2poly can also be used to create maps showing where the sub-region lies in the greater region. For this option a boundary region should be defined. naturalEarth boundary region files have been made available throught the osf repository Once grid2poly has been run a folder for "Maps" and a folder for "Grids" (if a grid file was provided) are created. Within the Maps folder (./metis/outputs/Maps) the user will find a Tables folder which contains all the data used to create the map as a well as a template for stakeholders to input their own data as a new scenario by sub-region. The Maps folder will also contain a "Boundary" folder which contains the boundary files defining each region and subregion and also includes shapefiles incase these need to be shared with others. The folder structure and example output boundary maps are shown in the figures that follow. If a grid has been provided then a "Grid" folder is also created which contains the cropped gridded data which can be used in for mapping.

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# Grid to Poly

# Example Grid File

# Run metis.grid2poly

metis.grid2poly Outputs and Example Charts

metis.grid2poly metis.grid2poly conceptual aggregation methods


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Key Inputs

After running metis.mapsProcess additional folders are created in the ./metis/outputs/Maps/ folder for each region and sub-region indicated. Within each of these there are plots for each scenario as well as diff plots showing the absolute and percentage difference between the selected reference scenario and all other scenarios. Each map is produced with three kinds of legends Freescale, Kmeans and pretty (or equal breaks) which allow the user to analyze different kinds of data. THe colors schemes for the plots are determined in metis.colors and can be adjusted by advanced users. Animations showing changes through the years are also created for each type of map and legend type. Example of the folder structure and ouputs from metis.mapsProcess are shown below.

metis.mapsProcess Example Outputs Spatial Scales

Grid | State :-------------------------:|:-------------------------: |

Grid | Basin :-------------------------:|:-------------------------: |

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# Mapping



metis.mapsProcess Outputs Folders

metis.mapsProcess Example Output Data Scales

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zarrarkhan/srn documentation built on May 21, 2019, 4:07 a.m.