Man pages for zatonovo/kingsmen
A technique for detecting regime change in irregular time series

active_regimeReturn the value of regime or NA
bind_clustersBind dates to cluster information
divideDivide a stream of events into distinct continguous clusters
EventRepresents a sequence of events
event_groupGroup interarrival rates into clusters
EventGroupRepresents a cluster of transaction events
hellinger.distCompute the Hellinger distance between two probability...
interarrivalCalculate interarrival rates
is_valid_clusterDetermine whether a cluster is valid
kingsmen-packageA technique for detecing regime change in irregular time...
kl.distCompute the Kullback-Leibler distance between two probability...
mask_diffGet differences omitting masked results
parts_greater_than_wholeDetermine whether the sum of the parts is greater than the...
plot.EventPlot an EventGroup
plot.EventGroupPlot an EventGroup
summary.EventGroupProvide a summary of an EventGroup
zatonovo/kingsmen documentation built on May 4, 2019, 9:11 p.m.