Man pages for zatonovo/
Tools for Modeling Data with Functional Programming

anylengthGet the generic length of an object
anynamesGet the names of a data structure. This attempts to create...
anytypesShow the types of a list or data.frame
chompRemove the head and tail of a data structure
confineConfine values to the given bounds
foldSuccessively apply a function to the elements of a sequence
foldblockSuccessively apply a function to adjacent blocks of a...
foldrangeSuccessively apply a function to a rolling range of a...
is.emptyCheck whether data is bad or empty
is.scalarCheck if an object is a scalar
itemSafely get an element from a vector for functional programming in R
mapApply a function over each element of a vector
mapblockApply a function over blocks of a vector
maprangeApply a function over a rolling range of a data structure
monadProvide monadi primitives
ntryCall a function until it succeeds
onlyifConditionally apply a function to an argument
padPad a vector with some default value
partitionPartition a sequence into adjacent windows and apply a metric...
quantizeForce values into a set of bins
range_forFind contiguous ranges of a given value within a sequence
samplerangeSample sub-sequences from a sequence
segmentSegment a sequence into shifted versions of itself
sliceSlice a sequence into two adjacent sub-sequences
use_defaultApply a default value whenever a variable is not well-formed
zatonovo/ documentation built on May 4, 2019, 9:11 p.m.