Man pages for zevross-spatial/rpackage-sensorDataImport
Processes environmental sensor data

add_intervalsA function to create a matrix of the metadata extracted from...
add_tables_dbThis function adds tables to a postgreSQL database.
addZeroHelper to add zero padding to numbers (mostly for...
aggregate_dataThis function aggregates data
agg_unit_okThis function creates a new postgreSQL database .
already_uploadedTests if data has already been uploaded
backup_databaseBackup database with pg_dump
body_linesin order to write the tables to the postgresql database the...
clean_abpA function that cleans HXI data
clean_dataA function that lists the variables that will be needed in...
clean_gpsA function that cleans HXI data
clean_hxiA function that cleans HXI data
cleaning_varsA function that lists the variables that will be needed in...
clean_maeA function that cleans HXI data
clean_mpmA function that cleans MPM data
clean_pdrA function that cleans HXI data
collapseHeaderCollapses header info into one string separated by pipes (|)...
column_existsDoes a column exist in the specified table.
column_typesWhat type is the column
create_databaseThis function creates a new postgreSQL database .
delete_dataA function to delete data based on a filename
directoryInputDirectory Selection Control
error_reportAssemble the Shiny error report about which files were...
filename_okA test for whether the input filenames are OK. It is...
filename_ok_bikingA test for whether the input filenames are OK for the biking...
find_gaps_assign_sessionRead GPX files [] and...
forplot_filter_add_runtimeFilters out NA based on a variable and adds runtime and date...
generate_metadataA function to create a matrix of the metadata extracted from...
get_column_namesGet the column names from a PostgreSQL table.
get_connectionThis function creates the connection to a database
get_filenamesThis function is for getting the file names associated with a...
get_filenames_forSubjectThis function is for getting the file names associated with a...
get_row_countGet a row count from a table
get_sensor_dataThis function extracts data from the database.
get_subjectidThis function is for getting subject IDs from a table
hex_average_to_secondFunction for averaging the data from the binary files in the...
initiate_processingStart the file processing - basically a switch to file...
is.errorTest if it's an error
kill_pg_connectionsTests if data has already been uploaded
list_tablesList tables in db.
plot_abpA function that plots HXI data
plot_gpsA function that plots HXI data
plot_hxiA function that plots HXI data
plot_maeA function that plots HXI data
plot_mpmA function that plots MPM data
plot_pdrA function that plots HXI data
plot_qaqcA function that lists the variables that will be needed in...
prefixes_okFor now this is deprecated
process_hexoskinProcess hexoskin data
process_hexoskin_oldThis was the original function for processing the hexoskin...
process_pdrScript for processing the PDR data
readDirectoryInputRead the value of a directoryInput
readGPXRead GPX files [] and...
readGPXelementRead GPX files [] and...
restore_databaseRestore database with pg_restore
runShinyThis function will run the shiny app. Thanks to Dean Attali:...
sensor_ggplotCreate a sensor ggplot with a panel for each session
table_existsTest if table exists in DB.
updateDirectoryInputChange the value of a directoryInput on the client
upload_postgresThis function is for uploading data to a postgres table
valid_connectionThis function creates the connection to a database
zevross-spatial/rpackage-sensorDataImport documentation built on Aug. 16, 2019, 4:53 p.m.